14 ┃ 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐞

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On another floor of the building, Yoongi found himself in a room that was starkly different from the earlier. Cold fingers probed his neck, assessing without warmth.

"Rest, hydration, and painkillers if necessary," the physician instructed, his voice echoing clinical detachment before he exited.

Left alone with his thoughts, Yoongi laid back on a makeshift bed, his eyes closed not in rest but in a bid to escape the day's chaos.

The door opened, and Jungkook entered, his concern palpable. "Hyung, are you okay?" he inquired, approaching Yoongi with evident worry.

Yoongi offered a weary smile, "I'm fine, Kookie. The doctor said I just need some rest," attempting to assuage the younger's concern.

The room filled with members, each finding a spot in the cramped space. Jin, with a mix of worry and frustration, lightly scolded, "Yah! Yoongi, how could you be so careless? You could've been seriously hurt."

Hoseok chimed in, "I heard she just attacked you out of nowhere," his eyes wide with disbelief.

Yoongi winced, guilt pinching him for letting them believe the fan was entirely at fault—he did start it, if they were being honest.

"Are you really okay, Yoongs?" Jin prodded again, his frown deepening.

"Yeah, Hyung. Just a headache," Yoongi murmured, running his fingers through his hair, avoiding their gazes.

Jimin looked around the room with a bored look on his face. He took a second to stare at every one of his bandmates, taking in the new colors they had dyed onto their head for the fan meeting.

Just as he moved on from Yoongi's blond hair, his eyes widened once they landed on something he never noticed before. He bit down on his bottom lip as he tried to stop himself from laughing. "Well, Yoongi-Hyung, looks like you were wrong about one thing..." he began, his body shaking as he tried to stop himself from bursting out laughing.

"...looks like you didn't grow bald from all the hair dyeing like you thought you would," Jimin finished, continuing his staring at the small bald spot on the side of his head, where the girl grabbed his hair with her fist.

Since Jimin was the closest to Yoongi, he had a very clear view of the injury he acquired from the fan.

The room's attention shifted, following Jimin's line of vision, eyes widening at the sight before bursting out laughing, breaking the tension momentarily.

"Fuck you, Jimin," Yoongi retorted, the humor not quite reaching his eyes as he glared hard at the eldest of the Maknae line.

Fuck that. Yoongi doesn't feel bad for what he did; that bitch deserves every single thing coming her way.

As laughter died down, Yoongi queried, shifting the cold towel around his neck, "Do we even know who she was?"

"Just wait, PD Nim will have answers," Jungkook replied, trying to offer some reassurance.

True to his word, Bang Si-hyuk burst in moments later, his face etched with concern. "Yoongi! Are you okay? Tell me if you feel off," he said, examining Yoongi closely.

After Yoongi's insistence on his well-being, Shihyuk shifted the atmosphere, probing for the band's version of the events. Yoongi, steadfast, echoed the same narrative he had woven for his members, a facade of innocence he hoped would hold.

"Really, it's not as serious as it sounds," Yoongi began, a hint of casual dismissal in his tone. "This fan, she just got a bit... overexcited. I was surprised, that's all. But I'm okay now, nothing to worry about."

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