Chapter 3

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Everyone is having a gala time at Malhotra Mansion after ages. All of them are happy getting Neyonika back in their life, as she is not only mother to Manik but to each member of FAB5. So it was indeed refreshing to see her getting back to normal. Navya is also present there to enjoy with the family, she too is a family to them because of her jolly and bubbly nature she has created a place in everyone's heart.

All were chitchatting on the latest topics going around, while Navya seems to be lost somewhere. Cabir saw her looking a tad bit sad and he immediately got worried being a lovey dovey boyfriend he is, he didn't like to see her upset.

 "Hey babe what's wrong? you seem to be lost somewhere, all okay? " Cabir asked a bit worried.

"Yeahh all good, it's just that I am missing Nandu, you know seeing you all besties together. I miss her Cabir, I haven't seen her since I came back from Vegas. When I got to know the news of her parents demise, I was too shocked, I knew how much she must be in pain, as she was so attached to her parents, but I couldn't be with her.. 

I don't know why she don't use her own cellphone instead she use the landline at her Uncle's place, but still I never get to talk to her properly, whenever I ask that should I come to visit her or will she come to my place she always toss the discussion. I Know Cabir something is going on and I have very strong feeling, she is in trouble but look at me what sort of friend I am, doing nothing for her best friend." Navya started sniffing quietly, Cabir took her in a warm and comforting hug and assured her everything would be fine with Nandu. He promised her, once they will be free from his new album, he will take her to meet Nandini..

Neyonika brought dessert for the kids and all happily pounded over it, she smiled seeing them and cleared her throat to get their attention.

Neyo- Manik, I need to talk to you about something.

Manik - Yeah, Mom tell me. What is it?

Neyo - I want you to get married

Everyone got startled on this sudden request of his Mother, but the one who was most affected was Manik, he went blank. His friends look at him to get any sort of reaction, but all they could find an expressionless Manik, which upset them more. They were sad to know that She still affects him..

Cabir decided to break the silence and to rescue his buddy from this awkward situation..

Cabir - Mom, suddenly why you got this thought in your mind. Leave it, see how much Manik is blushing and honestly he is too young for all this. Don't snatch his freedom from him this early Mom. Come on, don't throw him off the cliff right now. 

He joked a little to lighten the mood and others too get the hint so they play along making Neyonika understand, but she was persistent.

Neyonika - He is no more a kid, he is 26 and when his Dad and I got married, he was 24 while I was 22. So please don't give me such excuses. He is settled in his career, business is going good, music is going good so what's harm in settling down in life too.. He needs someone beside him to take care of his life, to understand him and above all, to love him...

Manik - And I have you Mom, you love me, you understand me, that's all I need. I don't need a third person...

He swiftly lays his head in her lap and she started caressing his hair. Such a baby he is she thought lovingly...

Neyo - Manik, I know I am there for you, but I cannot be there forever, I am growing old and like your father I had to leave too, But I don't want my baby to be alone, I want you to have your family you wife, your kids...

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