Chapter 29

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I don't know till how much time I cried in that room, mourning over my life, irony was I escaped from one hell hole to get stuck in another. But I decided one thing today and that was to maintain a distance between me and my so called husband. Yes I am not going to give him the satisfaction of hurting me again, if he doesn't want to give this relationship a chance, I won't either.. If I am here for his Mom, then let it be, I will be here, till she gets okay, till I get my everything from my uncle and I will flew to Vegas to never come back here again.

I don't need Manik Malhotra for anything, yes I will take the help of Rico and Papa I know they will help me, I know they can sort everything out. Yes they can, but before that I think I should ask them to leave, I have no idea what Manik is capable of doing in this state, I wont be able to see him disrespecting my Father, so it's better, I ask them to leave this house. After making up my mind, I got up from my place and went for a shower, my arms still have his hand prints and cuts too.. So I decided to wear something that have full sleeves, so I can hid them, I don't want anyone to question me and get worried for me..

I came out from the shower to find Neyo Mom sitting on bed, she seemed stressed, I feel so bad for this lady.

Nandini - Mom?

Neyonika- Nandu dear are you okay? Did Manik said something to you, tell me?

Nandini- No Mom, everything is okay..

I couldn't meet her eyes, I was lying to her again and I hate that.

Neyonika- Look at me Nandini, did you both had a fight?

Nandini- Mom please just calm down okay.. It's nothing. I know I have done a mistake by interfering in your private matter. I know you have suffered a lot, it's easy for me to say but it's very difficult for you to forget everything and move on in life so I am really sorry Mom, if I have hurt you. Please forgive me..

Neyonika- Done? Now should I say something?

I nodded my head and she took my face in her hands and planted a kiss on my forehead that left a warm feeling inside me..

Neyonika- You said it today but never ever say that again that you don't have any right on Me or Manik. Yes, this is our family matter but you have enough rights to speak on it you know why? Because you are family too Nandini. You are just not Manik's wife but my daughter too and I can take suggestion from my daughter, it's totally fine.. I will never want you and Manik to fight because of me, I know he really loves you. He is just mad because of me but give him some time and I am sure he will come around...

Oh how much I wish I could clear your this misunderstanding Mom, your Son doesn't love me, he can never do. I am sorry Mom, I am so sorry we both are playing with your feelings..

I smiled at her and she took me in a hug but what made my smile disappear was the figure standing on my doorstep, Raghuvendra Pappa..


Rico and Pappa decided to leave the Malhotra Mansion, they were not going back but they decided to check into a hotel and I agreed that this is best decision for now, Manik still hadn't came back yet, I hate him more now but I couldn't stop myself about worrying for his injured hand, I knew he would have not taken care of it yet.. it was a deep cut, I cant even imagine the condition of it now..

I tried convincing Pappa that Manik and I did not fight because of him but he was not ready to believe, he doesn't want to create problems between his daughter and her husband. Only if he knew the truth behind this marriage.

We came downstairs to find Manik coming inside, his hair were messy and he was sweating really bad, I looked over his hand and it was tied in a hanky and I was right.. The moment he looked at me I averted my gaze... I could sense his heated gaze on me but I didn't look at him.. you want me to stay out of your life na Malhotra, so be it this way...

Manik - What's going on here?

Aryaman - Nothing we are just leaving, thanks for letting us stay, and sorry we disturbed your Privacy, we won't be disturbing you anymore..

Manik didn't say anything, he looked at me and I averted my gaze again...

Raghuvendra - Okay beta, we will text you the address of our hotel once we checked in and don't worry your Father is here for you ok. Also please say Thank you to your Mom on behalf of us, I could have said it myself but I don't think she will appreciate that.. so just Thank her Okay..

And with that They were set to leave, my eyes became teary once again, I found him after so long and he is leaving me again, he hugged me one last time and moved out but a voice stopped all of us in our tracks..

Neyonika - Nobody is going anywhere..

And all of us looked shocked at her, Manik opened his mouth to say something but she shushed him with just one look.. Well she is his Mom, of course she got to have a some temper and don't know why but I smirked, well somebody can shut up the Malhotra.

Neyonika- This is your brother's house, so you can stay here for as long as you want and also your daughter is our daughter in law, that means now you have double relations with us Brother in law...

And she smiled, and I smiled tooo. Finally she did it, everyone else was shocked but I knew better...

Raghuvendra- Neyonika..

"I know whatever happened in the past was not good. I will not say that your actions didn't hurt me, but you are already serving your punishment from so long. You had spend your whole life staying away from your family, what else you could do? When you came home at funeral of Papa , Raj was too happy I know he wanted to fix everything, he wanted his brother back. He missed you but because of me he couldn't say anything. But I don't want My Son to again loose a Father figure. You are the oldest member of the family, your presence is much needed...

And honestly today someone made me realize that if you didn't back off from our wedding that day, then I wouldn't have had the best life with my husband and son. If you wouldn't had run way then I would have never found Raj and I know nobody could be a better life partner for me than him.. So today I forgive you with my whole heart and Manik you also accept them both in your life cause your anger was because of me and when I am not mad then there is no reason for you to hold a grudge against them..."

And first time in my entire life I saw Pappa cry hard, Aryaman hugged him and he cried in his embrace, finally he is at peace, the guilt which have eaten him his entire life is finally settled down.. Manik came and hug mom and left a kiss on her forehead..

Manik - Robin Robin

Robin - Yes baba

Manik -  Keep this luggage back in the guest rooms...

And well that was enough, or what you were expecting he would be all friendly with both of them.. No that's Manik Malhotra duh... But it's enough that he is supporting his mom in her decision.. He will come around too in some time. I know that, I can sense that.


Finally done with one more update, I know I know there was no Manan scene in this, but don't worry next chapter will definitely have some good manan touch till then kindly keep voting and keep supporting and please please follow me..

Also I want to thank deepamehta27 for her love and support and her nomination of my story in The Readers Choice Award's... Thank you so much dear for believing in me and my story.. Anyone else here feel the same so they can also go and nominate my story there... Nomination's are closing tomorrow itself... So if you feel like then kindly nominate this story comes under fanfiction

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