Chapter 21

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So finally all the ceremonies were done and it's time for Bidai, as all of them decided to move for Malhotra Mansion today itself for grah pravesh

All of them moved towards the exit with me and Manik trailing behind. Alia comes up with a platter full of Rice , Neyo Mom explain that it's a tradition to throw rice over my head while taking each step out of this place, I took the handful of rice and throws over my head, where Navya stood there to collect them in her stole... I don't understand the meaning of the ritual or any depth of it, the only thing which I understood is that I am going to step in a new life and the people I am going to leave behind are the only guardians, only people I am left with in the name of family.

And you know what the irony is even being friends with Navya from forever, even being her soul sister, my heart was ripped apart at the thought of leaving Cabir Bhai, yes He has became a vital part of my life and I don't know why I have to leave him this soon.. I don't Know what happened and I burst out crying causing Navya and Alia to take me in their embrace, they cried too and then just in few seconds Mukti joins us... I can't be thankful enough to both Mukti and Alia for being there as such a good friends... Someone separated us and I turn to look, it's Dhruv, He smiled warmly at me and took me in a friendly side hug...

Dhruv- Don't cry princess, it's your time go start a new life and rock it...

I smiled whilst tears but couldn't hold long when Saw my brother standing there with a beautiful smile but with wet eyes, One look at him and I again sobbed harder and he engulfed me in a hug, I felt him sniffing and I my sobs becomes louder.... He rubbed my back to soothe me..

Cabir - Hey Baccha, bhai is not going anywhere okay, stop crying and if this Manik troubles you even a little bit then give me a call and see what I will do to him... Now come on look at me...

He forced me to look up and kissed my forehead, with me in his arms, he moved towards the car. Smaran open the door and bhai made me sit inside, I look at all of them once more and sat inside... Cabir bhai joins his hands in front of Neyo Mom and Manik..

Cabir - She is very precious to me, please take care of her... 

And I feel my heart warm a bit more, Manik Immediately hug him and came to sat beside me in the car, I guess other's will come in a different car... After waving my hand one last time, our car zoomed off from there...

I was too tired and too exhausted that I dozed off immediately...


I opened my eyes slowly as felt some one shaking me... It took me a minute to adjust my eyes to the lights, I looked over my shoulder and there is Manik slightly bend on my side and is tapping my shoulder lightly.. He looked at me and then moved back asking to come down we are home..

I get myself straighten up and looked in rearview mirror to check I look like a sleepyhead well too much for being a pretty bride ehh... You ruined it already.... With a sigh I moved to open my side door but Manik did that for me already... He forwarded his hand which I took immediately and came out of the car... With holding hands slowly he helped me to walk and then here we were at Malhotra Mansion , I found Neyo Mom and Radhika Aunty were already there holding a Aarti platter... I look over to find Barkha, Inaya and Smaran too there but then my eyes widen when I found the whole fab 5 with Navya looking at me with all their 32 teeth on display....

Cabir- what you thought we won't be here to welcome our best friend's wife..

Manik smirks and my grin widens....I look happily at mom and she starts doing Aarti... Then Inaya put a Kalash full of rice at the entrance and above that there is a big bowl full of red liquid...

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