Chapter 22

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This chapter would be with combined POV of Manik and Nandini


Oh God! can this day get any more tiring and here these girls can go any more dramatic? I sighed when finally they all left me in peace... I immediately locked the gates just to make sure these idiots doesn't come back to waste any more time for me... I am really tired and I really need a sleep, a good one and long one... Just as I turned around, I gaped seeing the condition of my room...

What the actual fuck on earth, why are there candles lighted everywhere and roses on my bed like seriously, there is so much of décor done here but why? And as to find the answer of my question, My eyes looked over the side dressing. there she is with all her glory standing in my room fiddling with her jewelry, trying to get them out I guess...

Wait oh no, I have a room mate now... Like seriously Manik how could you forget, that marriage comes with this much big disadvantage, you need to share your room... Your personal space, your privacy would be invaded now... She would be here, everywhere, her clothes, her stuff, her presence, her smell...

"Well the roommate is quite pretty, ain't she.." My Heart screamed, oh shut up dude, looks doesn't matter, the problem still remains the same that is sharing...

But you don't have any option dude, I shrugged the thought and concentrated on Nandini, how carefully she is removing her bangles, one by one.. I couldn't check her out before but now it feels like I have plenty of time to watch her, she looked so surreal in that dress, she looked different with all that make up but it look good... Everything look good on Nandini everything look perfects...

The moment I sensed Manik stepped inside, I didn't dare looking at him for once, I get myself busy in removing these stuff like this is the most important work I got here... Well honestly it is the most important work, because I am totally dying under this weight, so I really need to get rid of it... I was done taking out my bangles, finger rings, when I felt his strong gaze on me, I immediately looked into the mirror and my eyes met with his beautiful brown ones, his stare was so intense that I couldn't last and immediately averted my gaze...

I removed the necklaces from my neck when suddenly the last one decided to trouble poor Nandini and refused to open up... Ughhh!!!!!! Aiyappa why me, the more I want to get over with this quickly, the more you are delaying it further, I groaned in frustration and heard a chuckle...

Well that didn't come from me and walls do have ears to eavesdrop, but they do not have a mouth to chuckle, so the only person who could do this is Manik... Oh o..

I chuckled at her frustration of not getting that Necklace removed and waited that she might call for help, but she doesn't, after 5 minutes she is still struggling... God I can never understand this girl, what will it take to ask me for help, nothing... But still she chooses to do it on her own, when simply she cannot...

I took long strides and within second, I was just behind her, close very close I put my hands on the lock of necklace and my fingers brushes with her... It felt like a volt of electricity ran through my body and with that little touch of our skins, I felt her getting stiffen... 

I was busy trying to open the lock, when I felt his hot breaths on my neck and his hand brushed with mine as he tried opening the lock... He is here, he is here right behind me, so close like so very close... I know I know I am freaking out but can't help it... I don't know why but his proximity makes me loose my mind...

After few minutes of fiddling with the lock he was actually able to remove it... He put down the necklace but make no attempts to move back... ehhh okay but I guess the work has been done, why on earth he is still here making me nervous... I looked at him through mirror and my breath stuck inside, how phenomenal we look as a couple, I can't help but stare at our Mirror image and Manik did the same.... It wasn't an awkward silence instead it was a comfortable one. He slowly started taking out my earrings, then moved to the stuff on my head and I do nothing to hide that blush which crept on my face.. I surely look stupid, but who cares... How cute and caring he look by removing these from me...

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