Chapter 8

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Manik has lied to his Mom, that he like some girl and now everyone is in a tension mode because sooner or later his Mom will ask him to make her meet his girlfriend and he will be screwed if he had none. Aiyappa why do he have to lie, he could have spoken the truth but no he lied and now bear the consequences. He looked too distressed everyone was skipping work to help Manik come with a great idea with all this marriage thing..

Mukti – Listen Manik, if you have already said yes for marriage then that means anyhow your marriage will take place. So, why don't you look for a great girl and arrange a meeting between her and your Mom.

I don't know why I felt bad when Mukti started his marriage discussion, was he really going to get married? Manik looked at her as if saying bad suggestion and I think the same, he can't pick any girl and just get married, it's not that easy.

Cabir – Well Mukti thanx but no thanx, your suggestion is useless.

Wow he is truly my brother, everyone is thinking for all the ways to help him but I am busy in analyzing my new Phone, Cabir bhai brought it for me, I am so happy. I immediately logged in to all my social networking sites to check what all I had missed in past two years.

Manik – Guyz see I don't want to marry anyone not now not ever so me finding a girl is not in the picture, infact I have decided to have a contract marriage...

Now that drew the attention of not only mine but everybody.

Dhruv – What contract buddy?

"I want you gyz to find me a girl, who will marry me temporary, like for a Year till then Mom will be all fine and I will make her understand my point of view. I know she will understand when she will be more stable. I will make a one year contract in which girl has to marry me, she will live in my house, she can probably have a separate room, there will be no sort of relation, neither physical nor emotional between us. She will get all rights of my wife in front of Mom and world but apart from it, she will be a mere stranger to me. I will provide her as much money as she want...

I just want you gyz to find a Girl, who would agree for this and will be trustworthy.."

Everyone kept looking at him shocked and even me, Is he crazy or insensitive or emotionally challenged? Do he even realize, what he is saying. Aiyappa I can't believe this man. He is just not an arrogant jerk but a cruel, senseless monster too who only knows how to play with someone's emotion.. I couldn't take the fact and was about to give him a piece of mind, but Navi did that for me, hah perks of being best friend's you see.

"What are you talking Manik? have you lost it.. I didn't expect this from you. Marriage is not some kind of game of kids and why will any girl agree for this? No this is wrong highly wrong and I won't allow this."

Yes good Navya, even I won't allow all this nonsense.

"Navya you are not understanding me, I am not taking anyone's advantage... I am just saying, I need a girl who is in need of me for a time being like I am of her. I could pay her, or anything she wants.. I won't touch her or would do anything wrong, she just have to pretend to be my wife for a year and I will pay her in return... That's it what's wrong in this?"

Well, I guess he is not that wrong, but still a fake marriage doesn't sound good to ears and why will any girl want to live with a stranger for almost an year.. Aiyappa I know there are people out there in need of money, but can a girl do all this just for money, I don't think so. I think all of them were satisfied with his answer, and now the thing is, where to find a girl who will be ready for this contract.

Mukti said as Manik being the heart throb of every girl out there, no not me trust me this is Mukti's word, yeah so where were we, Yes so Manik being the richest Man and a celebrity, anyone would be ready for this marriage thing. But according to Cabir bhai and Dhruv, they need to find a genuine person who won't take advantage of this marriage and probably someone who is not crazy for him, you know in order to save his dignity... Yeah you got me!!

Well as everyone is busy in solving this mystery and as I don't know anyone here who could be of their help so I continued surfing internet on my brand new Phone. I miss Abhi, I so want to call him but I don't want to disobey Cabir Bhai, he is doing all of this for me only.

I was too engrossed, that I didn't notice when bhai paid attention to me, and why he got alert when he saw me using Facebook, he immediately snatched the phone from my hand and I got shocked at his behavior.

Cabir - What are you doing Nandu?

Nandini - Bhai I was just checking my social media accounts, just to catch up what all I had missed in past two years.

Navya- Oh my god Nandu, what have you done, why you logged in... Cabir give me the phone, I will log her out from everywhere.

Wait what the hell is going on, why are they all making a fuss about it, I just logged into my accounts, it's not like I have hacked Bill gates account and currently I am surfing that. Well this time Aliya voiced my question.

Aliya - What's wrong in that gyz, why are you making it such an issue?

Cabir - It's not an issue but a huge issue, If she will login her accounts, her location would be tracked, what do you think that uncle who has tortured her for two years, who is after her money, her property is doing nothing to find her? She doesn't even have her passport so they know she is in India only and they also know she has a friend in Mumbai so obviously they will be finding her in Mumbai. And that guy Maddy who was going to marry her lives in Mumbai only.

I nodded, Oh Aiyappa, what was I doing, I could have gotten myself in trouble. No Nandu please no more trouble, no more pain, I want to be out of this, I didn't knew when tears make there way and I started crying. I don't know why I felt an emotion on Manik's face like he is concerned for me.. No ways he won't be ever worried for me. Cabir bhai took me in a hug and everybody look at me sympathetically.

Dhruv - But she can't be hiding forever, there should be some solution of all this...

Nandini - I want to go back to Vegas, my everything is there, the home I have been grown up in, My amma Appa's hard work, their hospital everything is there but they have my passport, what do I do, I want to get out of this mess...

Navya - Obviously all of that is yours Nandu, you have full right to go there and handle all your property but according to your Appa's will. All that will go to your husband and now where do we find this husband?

Mukti - Yes, exactly Even I think the only solution to her problem is marriage. We need to get her married to someone who can fight for her, protect her and get her everything back.

No, what the hell they are talking about. Not again

Nandini- No guys please. I don't want to get married now, I have my dreams to fulfill. I am just a graduate, I want to pursue my studies and have to do lot and also I can't just marry anyone out of blue.

Aliya - But Nandu, right now marriage is the best solution for your problem but the question is who will marry Nandini?

Okay fine, I understand but the important question right now, who will get married to me and where will we find a guy who will not take advantage of me and will not kill me or leave me after getting all my property.. We can't trust anyone at this moment, I was thinking of several other cons of this wedding idea, when I heard a name ad I felt floor moving below my feet..

Cabir - Manik, Manik will marry Namdini...

Shock will be an understatement, I was flabbergasted and when my eyes met his, he mirrored my expression..

What the hell on earth did Cabir bhai said...

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