Chapter 44

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Okay So today is the big day for all of us, as today I am going to get the proof against those monsters so they can be punished for all their deeds.. I could have left them with all the things they did to me but if they are responsible for my parent's death then they have to be prepared for the worst.. Breakfast was a silent affair as I guess everyone was busy thinking about what's gonna happen today and my husband was being extra clingy today, he hadn't left me alone the moment he woke up..

I know he is scared for me, but we have made a full proof plan, so I don't think anything can go wrong today.. We just have to keep faith in Aiyappa and he will handle everything, I know that..

Me and Mom were cleaning the table after breakfast when suddenly Mom's leg twisted and she was about to fall but Pappa hold her on time..

Raghuvendra - What are you doing Neyonika, Take care or you will get hurt.

Neyonika - I can take care of myself Mr. Malhotra you didn't have to be worried for me..

She snapped at him, okay she literally snapped on the guy with whom till yesterday she was having a la la time.. I couldn't believe that.. I know something is bothering her and I need to talk to her.. I am already so worried for Nandini and now Mom's this behavior is just increasing my stress.. She placed the utensils in the kitchen and without giving a second glance to Mr. Malhotra she went straight to her room.. I sighed, she was pissed on him but why that I have to find out.. I looked at Nandini she nodded her head asking me to do what I am planning to and so I made my way towards her room..

Manik - Mom can I come in?

Neyonika - Of course Son, since when you start taking permissions.

I smiled and sat beside her.. She still look so gorgeous, people still mistake her as my elder sis.

Neyonika- So What brought you here?

Manik - Nothing, it's a while since we have actually talk, so I thought of coming here..

Neyonika- You are worried for Nandini?

Manik - Yeah Mom, what do you think, are we doing right by sending her there?

Neyonika- I know it's difficult for you, for all of us. We all love Nandini, but there is no other choice Manik. You are also going with her nah? So I am sure you will handle everything. I trust you Son..

Manik - I hope so Mom.. I wish everything ends well and Nandini comes out of there unharmed, unscathed with all the proofs.

Neyonika- Exactly this will happen today, Manik just have faith in God..

Manik - Can I ask something?

Neyonika- Yeah of course?

Manik - Why did you shouted on Mr. Malhotra?

She sighed but didn't say anything, I took her face in my hand and forced her to look at me..

Manik - You like him, don't you?

And her eyes grew bigger in shock.. She wasn't expecting me to ask this directly I guess...

Neyonika- What are you saying Manik it's nothing..

Manik - Don't lie to me Mom as I can see it in your eyes and there is nothing wrong about it, he too likes you..

Neyonika- Everything about this is wrong, even thinking that way is wrong.. I can't cheat Raj, I love him.. And the world will make fun of me like Satya did yesterday.

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