4. Peter falls from an eight story building

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Short summary: Peter falls from a building, will Karen shut up about it or tell Tony?

The view was beautiful from up there. It was his favorite roof. That one roof that he always sat on, just waiting to find some trouble.

These days the crime scale had dropped a lot and Peter didn't get as much action on his late nights, so he started hanging out on that roof.

The sun had settled far away between two tall buildings on its way down the horizon. The sky was filled with light pink clouds, slowly drifting away over him.

He often sat up there to watch as the sun went down. It was always as pretty. He loved the city at this time.

He could hear jazz music from far away, people's laughter and few cars filling up the streets.

It seemed like the night would be calm.

When the sun had disappeared, leaving only the orange clouds to light up the sky, Peter decided to do one last swing around the city before heading his way home.

He put his mask on and was immediately greeted by his now called 'friend'.

"Hello, Peter." Karen's calm voice said. "It seems to be a calm night. No updates by police radio has been contacted."

"Great." Peter answered as he jumped off of the building, pushing his first rounds of web out.

He swung and swung through the city. He could hear the wind in a whisper through the suit and felt the cold night chill spreading across the city.

No signs of trouble.
Peter made his way through a darker alley. As he was about to shoot the next web, he heard a scream on one of the roofs. Finally. Trouble.

"It seems to be a sort of conflict between two men on the roof top west of you, Mr. Parker." Karen announced.

But Peter already knew, he was already on his way.

"Let me remind you, Mr. Parker, your webs will not last much longer. I advise you practice groundwork further on this patrol." She continued.

He shook his head and spun himself up on the roof beside the other building which the two men stood on. They seemed to have been drinking and things had gotten violent.

"You what?!" The bigger man with the tattoo on his forearm yelled as he pushed the other man to his back.

"Oh man, you should've seen her! Damn!" The other man, laying on his back yelled back.

The tattoo man crumbled upon the other man and started throwing punches.

"You slept with my sister?!" He yelled as he hit the guy in the face.

Alright. This was enough.

Peter formed his hands around his mouth, "hoooooo, hoooooo!"

The both men turned around and looked surprised.

"Hope you didn't mistake me for an owl there, Misters." Peter called to them.

He then spun a web to their building and landed perfectly on his feet besides them.

"I mean, if this is about a girl-" He started but got interrupted as the tattoo man kept on punching the other guy.

"Hey, hey!! Whoa, slow down there buddy!" Peter yelled and put his hands in the air.
The tattoo man stopped and turned his head to Peter.

"Buddy?!" He yelled and stood up slowly. "I'm not your buddy!" The man made his way to Peter and pushed him. But Peter wasn't aware that he stood so close to the edge. After getting through with the webs, he didn't really get worried by the thought of falling - he could always shoot a web and everything would be fine.

Peter stumbled back and felt the wind on his back. He was falling.
He didn't panic though, this had happened before. He just had to shoot his web and-

Karen's voice interrupted Peter trying to push web out of the small devices on his wrists:

"I'm sorry to announce, you don't have any web left, Mr. Parker."

The panic shivered up his spine.
He flew fast through the air. He could feel the strong winds, almost slowing his fall down.

Then everything went black.

The sound of Karen's voice took him back to consciousness, he can't have been out for very long as Karen was still asking him if she should dial Tony.

"Mr. Parker, you appear to have fractured three ribs to the left of your chest, causing you to stop breathing for more than a minute. Your head hit the ground hard and you have of the highest probability, a strong concussion."

Peter squeezed his eyes, trying to make his vision less blurry.
He felt the need to breathe, but couldn't bare the pain to drag a breath in. His chest hurt too much.

His lungs felt like someone had sucked all of the oxygen out of him, he needed to breathe.

As he laid on the concrete, by a street lamp shining in his eyes, he took a small breath in and then let a grunt out.

"Mr. Parker, should I call for Mr. Stark?" Karen asked.

Peter let another light breath in as he prepared himself to answer.

"Dialing Mr Stark." She continued.

"No, no please.. Kare-"

"Peter? Are you okay? Karen dialed me with the emergency contact? Peter?" Tony sounded worried. Peter liked it. He liked knowing that Tony didn't care for him only because of his spider thingy, but because of him. Of Peter.

He wouldn't answer. He just tried to focus on his breathing, knowing that Karen would start rambling anyway.

"Mr. Parker appears to have fractured three ribs to the left of his chest, causing him to stop breathing for more than a minute. His head hit the ground hard and he have of the highest probability, a strong concussion."

"Where are you?" Tony asked quickly as you could hear him putting on his iron suit in the background.

"68th Avenue, Kessel Street." Karen answered.

Peter closed his eyes and decided to try and get up before Tony came. If he saw him like this, he may not get to go out on patrol for at least a few weeks.

He started to wiggle his fingertips in order to get control of his arms. The fall must've been from a long distance but he couldn't tell from his blurry sight, still only seeing things spinning around like he was underwater looking up to the what was above.

After a while he started to get control of his arms. As he had landed directly on his back, the underarms hurt the most.

He carefully put his hands on his face to scratch his eyes in attempt to get a better sight.

After a while he could hear the suit coming. It looked like a big, red bird, marking him as a prey.

Everything was still feeling like underwater. The scratching of his eyes didn't make a difference.

Tony settled the suit on the ground and got out of it. He was so worried, why would Peter have fallen from an eight story building on such a calm night like this?

Peter looked really bad. He laid on the concrete by the probable building. He didn't move a muscle. Not even his chest moved.
His chest didn't move? Oh god. What if he's dead? No. He can't be. Not his kid. He couldn't be dead.

Tony sat down beside him, gently pulled the mask off of his small head, revealing his brown and curly hair that should've been cut weeks ago.

Drops of blood ran down his cheek from his mouth. His eyes were closed.
Tony took his left hand and felt the pulse on Peter neck. Thank god. It was still there. But it was weak.

To be continued...

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