7. Knife stabbed

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Short summary: Peter is gets stabbed on patrol, will Tony find out?

Peter crawled up the apartment building with his left hand, while holding his right one on the stab wound that cut open the right side of his abdomen.

He felt really dizzy but barely felt the pain anymore, he just felt numb.
His fingertips and toes tingled as they would if they had "fallen asleep".

He crawled into his bedroom through the window and closed it carefully not trying to wake May.

He sat down on the bed. Gosh, he was in real trouble now.
He sat down on his bed and looked at his right hand. The blood dropped through his fingers and he could feel its warmth through the suit.
It was a terrible sight, the sight of his own blood making its way down to the floor and into a puddle.

He sat there, looking over his hands and followed the red drops as they hit the floor in slow motion.
'Drip.. Drop.. Drip.. Drop..' he could hear them, shatter in a thousand pieces and then floating into the mixture already laying there.
Floating.. He really felt like floating.
Maybe he should just close his eyes and float away like the drops.. It looked so peaceful, just floating away and mix in the mixture.. Mixtrue? Mixsure?
Peter couldn't think straight, it was like his brain just had become floppy and there was someone there.. Someone important that wanted to be heard..
May? No.. She was asleep, could've never heard him coming..
But then who?

"Mr. Parker? I recommend not falling asleep as it could make your injury much worse." Karen spoke out, but Peter was too far away, floating in nothingness. "I'm calling Mr. Stark."

Peter hadn't even put his mask off, he just collapsed halfway off the bed with the suit on. If someone other than May walked in, he would be totally screwed.

"Peter?" Tony whispered in his phone while facing away the other businessmen, "I told you specifically not to call me tonight.. Even though they're all idiots and I'd rather talk to you, this is just way too important, okay?" Tony turned around and smiled at the men around the table, waiting impatient for the billionaire to get back to the meeting.

"Peter is right now experiencing severe stab wounds to the right side of his lower abdomen. He told me not to call you, but he fell asleep as I asked him a second time," Karen said in her slow and calm voice, "We're happy to wait for you to call back, Sir."

Tony was already on his way out off the building, leaving the men around the table with open mouths and offended feelings.

He was drifting.. Felt like water.. It's blurry and sounds weird.. Sound? He couldn't hear anything... Or could he? Someone.. Someone important.. Trying to say something...
No.. Probably just the wind.. He remembered what it felt like, swinging from building to building with the wind coursing at his sides..
Oh no.. his side.. It hurt so much.. Oh god, did someone pinch him? It was probably Flash.. Gosh he hated that guy.. But what would he do here?
He had his suit on.. No one could see him like this..
"-eter?" Oh, so it was a voice? Maybe he's over the water.. Maybe he forgot his swimwear..

Tony panicked, he could move Peter or he would just heels out, here and now. "Friday, call Bruce." Tony said, trying to figure out how he's going to handle this.
"Didn't want Karen to call me, huh?" He sat down in the bed besides Peter where he had collapsed and dragged him over to his lap, with his head against his chest and legs still on the bed.

God. He must be floating up. It's like he in one second was dragged down to the bottom in the water but now instead, it pushed him up. It felt so weird, not in an awful way but a confusing way.
He felt his body being moved, but couldn't feel his body. It was like he saw himself from under the water, looking up at his body and something holding onto its

As the water pushed him up, he felt more and more confused. He didn't want to go above the water, he felt good as it was - just floating and the feeling like flying.

He was so close to it. So close to getting out in the air. Wait. Air? Oh no... He couldn't stay in the water? He would drown! How had he been able to breathe? Did he even breathe? WAIT NO!! Was he dead!?!
Peter pushes himself up from the water.

"Hey kid! Take it easy, bud!" Tony calmed him as he suddenly gasped for air like he thought he hadn't been breathing. "Peter? Can you hear me?" Tony asked, holding Peter arms down in attempt to try and keep him calm.

Everything was so blurry.. It was so weird, it looked like he was watching the world through a telescope and he couldn't really see who was at the other end.

"Just please, be okay.. God, May is gonna kill me," he hears someone whisper.
Wait.. Kill? Didn't he just.. Almost get killed?

All of the memories came back as a flash in his brain and it suddenly struck him how uncomfortable it was not being able to see.

The pain came back as the memories and stung poundingly over his whole torso. And there was some story of pressure, something that held the wound down, it hurt but he figured feeling pain was a good thing by now.

Tony noticed how much more awake Peter seemed, he'd started to move and grunt in the pain. He tried to get free from Tony's grip around him, but failed miserably and gave up after one try.

Peter blinked a few times and saw his sight getting more visible. He looked at some kind of face and tried to focus on it. Tony got immediate eye contact with him, but understood in his confused expression that he didn't know what he saw.

Before Peter could tell who it was, he let out a guess. The person holding him seemed so safe, so strong. It reminded him of many years ago, when he was innocent and free of pain. It reminded him of his dad.

"D-dad?" Peter breathed out, still blinking. Dad? What does he mean, dad? Of course Tony liked the thought of it, he didn't mind at all. But the shock came fast over his face and Peter could finally tell the mistake he'd made.

Peters vision started clearing up and he saw it was Tony. Fu*k. Did he just "dad" Tony? Gosh that's so embarrassing!?

Peter immediately pulled back from Tony's grip and felt the pressure on the wound go away unintended.
Peter breathes out a painfully grunt and put his own hand over the wound, trying to hold his hand still.

Tony saw Peter had realized what he'd said. He pulled Peter back in his arms and shushed him calmly.
"It's okay, kid. I don't mind at all." He whispered as he felt Peters head shake in sobs against his chest.

"I'm sorry.. I'm s-so sorry M'ssr S'ark.." He let out with interrupting sobs and cries.

"It's okay, kid. Just don't fall asleep again or I'll have to call May in, okay?" Tony nodded his head, knowing that Peter wouldn't see it against his chest.

"It's gonna be okay..."

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