13. Bloody, red secrets...

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Short summary: A certain Peter Parker never gets to school and a certain Tony Stark gets a lill suspicious.

Peter grunted as he laid down in his soft bed. The smell of cleaned sheets spread through his body. Thank God Peter had May. Thank God it was Sunday and cleaning day which meant clean sheets.

Wait.. Sunday? Oh- shit!

Just an hour before Peter had laid down in his bed he'd been out on patrol.
When he'd finally decided to go home he went back into the dark alleyway and changed to a pair of jeans and a black hoodie.
The people of the city had started to see a pattern - apparently Spider-Man really liked hanging out around Peter Parker's neighborhood.

Peter flipped the backpack with the suit in onto his shoulder and gladly stumbled his way back to the apartment. It had been a good day of patrolling, maybe not as much action as he'd like, but that only meant that the people were safe.

Peter was just about to walk around a dark corner between the thick and tall buildings when he saw a black shape sprinting towards him.

He didn't have time to realize what had happened until there was a cold feeling in his upper, left torso.

Peter put his hand on his stomach and searched his way to the nearest wall.
He leaned clumsily onto it as he looked back for the thing causing him this much pain.

He leaned with his back on the wall and pressed his hand hardly over the red spot that kept getting bigger.

He tilted his head down and watched the hand covered in blood in its every inch.

Shit. He was in trouble now.

Peter gathered his strength and started walking towards the now appearing apartment building.
His chest moved up and down in quick and big motions.
From behind he looked like someone drunk that was just about to vomit, with the hand on his stomach and the way he couldn't really balance his feet.

He pressed button 9 and hoped nobody else would enter the elevator.
He didn't want to cause anyone getting passed out, since the looks of him was now that terrifying.

The doors opened up and he quickly dragged his heavy feet over the floor.
Good thing he had a big hoodie, it had dragged all of the blood to it like a big sponge so now it didn't look like someone had been murdered.

*Beep. Beep. Beep.*
The sound of the clock made his head ache.
He flinched his eyes as they met the ray of sunshine as he sat up in the bed.
Either he was having a dream, or his bed really was covered in red as well as his jeans.

May always got to work early on Mondays which meant she wasn't home and wouldn't be able to witness this mess.

He couldn't go to school like this. He'd bleed out and die on the elevator down the building.

Peter pulled off his hoodie and revealed his bare torso. The injury was all the way from under the last rib to almost the start of his waist. It was still open and poured out blood when he had sat up, which made him lay down on his back again.

Peter closed his eyes and tried even his breathing.

Why didn't he heal? He should've been fine by now?

Peter knew he couldn't get through this alive on his own, but Tony had mentioned a really important meeting during Monday and he didn't want to mess that up.

After a while he decided to take a nap, he had no worries of school what so ever.. Just too focused on keeping that weird liquid in his body..

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