10. Unexpected guests at the Stark Tower 2

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Part two.

Peter now had the entire penthouse floor to himself. He decided to curl up on the couch and watch some Star Wars movies.

"Hey Fri, could you put up the first Star Wars movie on the tv while I make some pop corn?"

"Sure thing, Mr. Parker. Would you like 3D or regular?" Friday asked.

Tony had 3D? That's amazing.

"3D, Yeah!" Peter answered, still taken that he is currently holding up in Tony Stark's apartment, watching tv in his blankets.

A few hours went by and Peter already felt better. He was so bored, there was nothing to do but to watch movies there.

Peter stood up and stretched from the couch and once again pulled a blanket around him, as he was still feeling a little feverish.
He wanted to go see if he could help Tony in the labs.

"Friday, take me to the floor that Tony is on." The elevator opened and Peter walked in, resting on one of its sides.

"Floor: 34" Friday said and opened the doors. This floor was crawling with people, probably interns and businessmen.

He didn't feel a slight of embarrassment as he walked out of the elevator in pj's and a blanket around him, looking like he'd been to hell and back.
Everyone stared at him, some even recognized the boy as he often took the elevator to the top level.
He even heard some rumor that went around the interns that 'Peter Parker, the highschool intern, had a level clearance of Tony's penthouse floor', and he did.

Peter looked down at the floor as he asked his watch which room Tony was in.
"68B, follow the corridor 30 meters and take the door to your left." Peter did as the watch told him to and all of the people around him looked shocked to the speaking watch that he had attached to his wrist.

As he passed room 43G he heard a familiar voice.

"Peter?" Peter turned around and saw his whole class looking at him in surprise.
"What are you doing at the Stark Tower when you're sick? Mr Harrington asked, "Wait.. What are you doing at the Stark Tower?"
Flash crossed him armed and looked at Peter for an answer.

"I.." He had no idea what to say, instead he looked at Ned that was just scanning him and putting the facts together, since Peter looked like a wreck he must've crashed at Tony's.

"He told you, he's got an internship here!" Ned answered the question for him, taking the attention off of Peter as he knew that Peter didn't like it.

"Ha!? I bet he only dressed up like that and paid someone to get in so we would stumble upon him here!" Flash let out.

Mr Harrington knew that Flash's parents donated a lot of money to the school and just decided to let that one go.

Peter had enough and turned around again, walking with sloppy legs to his destination.

"Hey Penis Parker?! What's the hurry!?" Flash yelled out and the whole workspace went silent. Peter turned around and saw all the other interns, they all knew that Peter really was an intern here. They all watched as Flash embarrassed himself, without knowing it.

He looked back at his class, that looked back at him.. Ir was it him? Why would they look so shocked if they looked at him?

"Who'd you call Penis, boy?" From behind him the famous voice echoed through the big and open floor.
The interns started working again as they saw the big boss enter. They barely got to see him, as floor 34 wasn't really of his interest.

Tony grabbed Peters shoulders from behind and shook him.

"Doing better, buddy?" Peter just nodded and looked back at the floor, already predicting what was going to happen - Flash was about to get his ass kicked.

"Don't make ask again." Tony let fit of Peter shoulders and pulled on of his arms over them instead.
Mr Harrington looked very guilty as he spotted Flash in the back, trying to hide himself.

"P-Peter.." The small voice echoed around the walls of the floor.
God did Ned love this.

"Don't ever call Peter that again." Tony walked towards Flash, everyone else in the class made a passageway across the little crowd as Tony moved graciously.

"Peter doesn't even know you?" Oh. That kid had some guts. Coming into his tower? Accusing his favorite kid of not knowing him?

"Peter is one of the best interns that we have in the building. He has been a great help to me with building the iron suits," Tony moved his head to Mr Harrington, "And as for you, Peter is at the Stark Tower because his aunt is away and he I currently sick. I'm now his current guardian so next time you punks question Peters word again, I'm gonna get your ass fired and you," Tony pointed a finger at Flash, "I'm gonna make sure you little shit never get into any college."

Tony turned around and pulled Peter with him to and elevator. Peter waved at Ned as the doors closed.

"That was soooooo cool.." Ned broke the silence of the 34th floor, as everyone had listened to Tony's rage.

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