Chapter 3- The Day We Met, I Confessed My LoveThe Day We Met, You Broke My Heart

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Alec and Jane entered their old home village, grinning at the faces of their terrified victims. Alec grabbed a random human and pinned her against the wall of an old shack, smirking at her pathetic attempts to escape. He slowly broke each of her fingers individually, enjoying the crack and breakage of cartilage. After all her fingers were dislocated, Alec moved to her throat and made narrow slits on be exposed flesh, slowly licking away the dribbling blood. As her face slowly paled, Alec used his extremely his extremely sharp fangs to penetrate her jugular, the luscious red liquid pouring out into his mouth, making him moan in pleasure as the burning in his throat toned down a little. He dropped his victim and smirked at how it just drooped on the ground. He was about to move onto his next prey but heard the sound of crying in the distance. Alec peered over the corner of a tree and saw a vaguely familiar girl placing flowers on a tombstone that had his and his sister's name engraved on it. "We may not be together in this life, but may eternity forever bind us in the next my love." She whispered.

He voice was like wind chimes. The girl slowly stood up and turned around, her face paling at the sight in front of her.

"A-Aleczander?" She whimpered.

He nodded, trying to remember the girl's name.

"Rosalyn?" He asked, the name vaguely familiar.

"My love, I thought you were dead!" Cried Rosalyn, running towards Alec and burying her head in his chest, sobbing.

However, Alec did not respond the way Rosalyn thought he would. He grabbed her by the collar and dragged her to where Jane was standing, finishing up her last victim.

"Rosalyn?" She asked.

"J-Jane?" Whimpered Rosalyn.

"Brother....what are we going to tell master Aro?" Asked Jane, while Alec pulled Rosalyn along, ignoring her whimpers of agony when her fragile skin was cut open by sharp stones along the way.


"Who is this?!" Hissed Caius.

"Master, this is Rosalyn, Alec's lover and person who he was supposed to marry in his human life." Said Jane.

He glanced at the whimpering human who was bleeding onto the marble floor.

"And what are you going to do with her, Alec?" Hissed Caius.

"Keep her....maybe as a pet. Or a slave." Smirked Alec, evil glinting in his eyes.

Rosalyn cowered back in fear, not daring to speak in her defense.

"Very well. But make sure that she doesn't escape." Said Caius.

"Yes master." Said Alec, bowing and walking out of the throne room, dragging poor Rosalyn behind him.

From a Slave to a Princess   (An Alec Volturi Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora