Chapter 4- Hope? Give Me Something to Hope For

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Alec tossed Rosalyn onto the floor as if she was a rag doll. Her blood spilled onto the white rug, making Alec stiffen, his maroon eyes turning pitch black.

"Stop bleeding on my carpet." he hissed, tossing her a first aid kit and walking into the bathroom, locking the door.

Rosalyn slowly took off her dress, rubbing her wounds with alcohol, whimpering at the pain. At last, she wrapped the cotton bandages around her scratches. As if on cue, Alec walked out of the bathroom, grabbing her arm, making Rosalyn wince at his force. He pushed her into a chair and glared at her.

" You will do everything I tell you to do and not object. Speak only when spoken to and refer to everyone as either 'sir' or 'ma'am' and Jane and myself as 'master' and 'mistress'. Understood?" he ordered.

"Yes." she whispered.

Her eyes met his glare and she quickly corrected herself.

"Yes master." she whimpered.

"That's a good girl." smirked Alec.

"Please master...why are you doing this?" begged Rosalyn.

Alec struck her across the face, causing her to yelp and fall onto the floor.

"Speak only when spoken to." he hissed.

Rosalyn laid on the floor, clutching her cheek, crying.

"S-sorry master." she whimpered.

Alec bent down and took out a collar with her name inscribed on it. He placed it around Rosalyn's neck and smirked at how obedient she looked.

"Now, I need to lay some ground rules. First of all, no trying to escape. Demetri will find you and you will get punished. Second, you will only walk out of this room if it is with one of the guards or me. Third, you will sleep everyday at nine o' clock and wake up at seven thirty. After you eat breakfast, which will be brought by Gianna, our receptionist, you will make your bed and make sure every inch of this room is clean. If you finish with that, you can read or watch TV." stated Alec.

"Yes master." whispered Rosalyn.

"Good girl." smirked Alec.

Rosalyn slowly got up and crawled over to the bed, burying her petite body under the covers.

"What do you think you are doing?" demanded Alec.

"It's nine o' clock master." whimpered Rosalyn, her eyes full of fear.

Alec checked his watch and saw that she was right.

"You're obedient. I just might enjoy your stay." he smirked, walking out of the room and shutting the lights, leaving Rosalyn alone in darkness.


Alec walked down the dimly lit hallways and towards the throne room, where his sister and masters were waiting.

"Ah glad that you could join us." smiled Aro.

"Yes master." he said, bowing.

"How is the human?" smirked Caius.

"I put her to bed." said Alec.

"Good. Make sure nothing happens to this 'pet' of yours." sighed Aro.

Last time, Alec brought in a teenage girl and forgot to feed her. He found her one day collapsed on the floor, her skin as pale as a ghost and bones showing. Her eyes were gray, signaling that she was dead.


Rosalyn tried to sleep but the darkness was getting to her. She was afraid of the dark when she was a little girl and still is. Just then, the door swung open, making her bury her head under the covers, shaking in fear.

"Why are you not asleep yet?" growled Alec, pulling the covers down.

"I'm scared." she whispered.

"Of what?" hissed Alec, clearly annoyed.

"The dark." whimpered Rosalyn, not wanting a punishment.

The mark when Alec slapped her was still clearly visible on her cheek. Alec sighed in annoyance and got under the covers, hugging her.

"Sleep." he ordered.

Rosalyn cuddled into his chest and closed her eyes.

"Thank you." was the last thing she said before falling into a deep slumber.


Rosalyn's eyes snapped open as soon as the alarm clock went off. Stretching over to turn it off, Rosalyn accidently slapped Alec across the stomach. Gasping in surprise, Rosalyn sat up, slapping the alarm, turning it off and looking at Alec, fear in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry master." she whimpered.

Alec snickered and sat up, walking out the door. Gianna came in two seconds later with a plate full of bacon, eggs, and toast.

"Thank you ma'am." smiled Rosalyn, hoping to make at least one friend in this place.

Gianna meerly nodded and walked out the door. Rosalyn sighed at her pathetic attempt, picking up the fork and devouring the food in front of her. She hasn't eaten anything in forever. After she finished, Rosalyn made the bed, wiped the floors, and vacuumed the carpets, making sure every speck of dust is picked up. Alec walked in just as she was putting away the vacuum cleaner.

"Good job pet. My other servants never cleaned this place so well." smirked Alec.

"Thank you master." whispered Rosalyn.

Alec plopped in a chair, taking out Romeo and Juliet, flipping to a random page and reading it. Rosalyn stood off to the side, not knowing what to do and not daring to sit down. Alec looked up from his book, clearly annoyed.

"Sit. Read. Do something. Stop staring." he hissed, shifting his gaze back to the novel.

Rosalyn awkwardly took out a book and sat on the floor, reading it until she heard Alec walk out of the room, leaving the book laid out on the couch. She sighed and picked it up, placing it back on the shelf.

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