Chapter 9- Why You Got to Be So Rude?

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"Rose? Rose! Rosalyn can you hear me?" begged Alec, shaking the little girl who was looking off to the distance.

It appeared that she zoned out.

"Huh? Yeah? What?" mumbled Rosalyn, barely coming back.

"Are you ok? You just zoned out of me." said Alec, worry crossing his voice.

"Yeah." smiled Rosalyn.

Alec breathed, relief showing.

" want to call Jane in? I want to give her birthday present to her." requested Rosalyn.

"Sure. Just a minute." said Alec, clearing his throat.

"What are you-"

"JANE! GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" shouted Alec, cutting a very surprised Rosalyn off.

"I said get her. Not wake up the entire castle." grumled Rosalyn.

Alec chuckled.

"Hey, it still worked right?"

Rosalyn rolled her eyes but nodded. Jane came in a couple of seconds later.

"What? What happened? Did the Romanians attack? What happened?" asked Jane, looking around frantically.

Rosalyn couldn't help it. She burst out laughing, clutching her stomach. Jane just stared at her.

"Jane dear....the nothing's happening. Rosalyn just has something to give you." smiled Alec, chuckling.

Jane mumbled some unintelligent words in Italian and rolled her eyes.

"What does she have to give me?" mumbled Jane.

Rosalyn, who was still on the floor laughing her head off, slowly got up and wiped a few tears off her face.

"Here. Happy birthday Jane." she smiled, containing some of the laughter that was still left in her.

"Birthday?" asked Jane, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes birthday. You know, the day that you came to this planet and made Alec all happy?" smirked Rosalyn.

"Yes I know what a birthday is!" snapped Jane.

"Okay, okay. Just open the present." said Rosalyn, raising her hands in surrender.

Jane opened the little box and saw a necklace that was made of dark rubies and diamonds.

"It's beautiful....." whispered Jane.

"I was able to save it just before the fire. I was going to give it to you earlier but then the whole stake incident occurred and I never got the chance to. So yeah. Hope you like it." shrugged Rosalyn.

"Like it?" said Jane.

"Yeah." said Rosalyn, sadness filling her voice.

"I LOVE it!" squealed Jane jumping up and down like a little girl in a candy shop.

Rosalyn and Alec looked at her like she was high on crack or something.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is the best present someone could give me!" smiled Jane, dancing around in circles.

"Your welcome Jane." chuckled Rosalyn.

"Damn. I haven't seen her so happy in a while." said Alec, shaking his head.

"I should totally get a video of this and send it to everyone here." said Rosalyn, chuckling.

"Yeah....she'll probably kill you after that. She may be grateful now but just watch. That girl is bipolar." huffed Alec.

From a Slave to a Princess   (An Alec Volturi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now