Chapter 22: It Suits Her

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-Xavier's POV

I turn my head to hear beeping coming from her closet. She pushes me off of her and runs into her closet. She comes back out with a small smile playing on her lips. I raise an eyebrow at her until she picks up the device and presses a button to begin talking into it. 

"I miss you lil man..." She says while looking at me for my reaction. Wait a minute, she is talking to my son? I get up from the bed and walk over to her. She releases the button and I hear shuffling on the other end. 

"I miss you Angel. Please come visit me soon." I hear my son whisper back through the device. What is this?? I reach out to take it but she quickly retracts her arm and raises a finger to her lips signalling for me to be quiet.

"I will see you soon, be my good boy and do your homework." She releases the button and waits for his answer. I stare at the device intently. 

"I will Angel. See you soon!" We hear shuffling before it goes silent. I take the device from her hands and look at it closely. 

"It's a two way receiver. It can only work with it's pairing device so no one can pick up on it. I gave Luca the other half last week during one of dinner dates." I look up at her with my eye brow raised.

"I don't remember seeing one of these in my home. How does it reach this far? What is this?" I ask pointing to the screen. 

She flips a button and the screen turns on. I look down and see coordinates. My house. I look up at her and she looks nervous. I set it down and pull her hands in mine.

"The reason you didn't see one is because I hid it in a stuff animal wolf. He isn't aware of it. He just hugs the animal when he is lonely and I talk to him. He first believed it was a recording however I think he realizes now that it isn't." 

She drops her gaze and then I remember the stuff animal I saw him cuddling last week that I didn't recognize. She gave it to him so he wouldn't be alone. I smile realizing she is worried about him. I raise her chin and see her looking upset. "Please don't be upset... I just-"

I cut her off kissing her gently. I pull back and look at her intently. "I am not upset sweetheart." 

Her eyes blink rapidly trying to comprehend what I just said. Then she visibly relaxes. I chuckle at her and pull her into a hug. 

"Come on sweetheart, we need to get ready to go see him." I say then kiss her forehead. She nods against my lips. 

"Give me just a few minutes to get ready." She smiles brightly before jumping up and pecking my lips before running off to her closet. I stand there grinning like an idiot while watching the beauty jog away from me. She will be the death of me. 

-Heather's POV

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-Heather's POV


 I open my arms wide to receive the cutest lil boy I have ever seen. We left the house after Xavier threw a fit about my outfit which I didn't see a problem with however he said it showed off to much of my legs. I scoffed at him and dragged him out of the house. Cami made me promise to let her know later on if I would be coming home. 

"I missed you." He whispers softly to me while still in my embrace. I kiss his forehead and tell him I missed him too. "Are you feeling better?" 

"Yes lil man, I am. Thank you. Did you do your homework?" He nods his head rapidly which causes me to giggle. I hear chuckling and look over at Xavier who is standing there just watching our exchange. He walks over to us and wraps his arm around my waist and the other behind Luca's back. 

"Perfect." He whispers in my hairline. I smile enjoying this moment with them. 


We turn our heads all to look at an older woman who dropped a tray of drinks on the floor looking in shock between the three of us. She quickly shakes her head and drops to retrieve the tray off the floor. 

"Here let me help." I say putting Luca down and walking to her. She looks up and her eyes soften. She has chestnut brown hair and chocolate eyes. She gives me a soft smile and shakes her head. 

"No ma'm, don't worry-"

"Oh, please... It's no worries, and my name is Heather." I say while I begin retrieving the shards off the floor. 

"It's wonderful to meet you Heather, my name is Tessa." She says while standing up with the broken glass shards on the tray. I gently place mine on hers and offer to carry it which she politely declines. "You are different than I expected." 

"I hope that is good thing?" I question while giggling slightly. She giggles too and nods her head.

"It's a wonderful thing." She whispers. The boys come up to us with paper towels and a broom. I didn't even realize they left to get them. I watch as Tessa walks away to dispose of the glass while I take the broom to finish getting shards before using the paper towel to clean up the tea off the floor. I look up at Xavier who wraps an arm around me while Luca wraps his arms around my waist. I smile and embrace them both. 

"I like her." I turn around to the voice to see Tessa standing near the door wiping her hands on a dish towel. 

"Tessa, this is my Angel." Luca says pointing at me proudly. Tessa grins ear to ear looking between us. 

"I think the name suits her perfectly Luca." She says looking down at the boy with love before looking back up at me while I blush. I hear Xavier chuckle so I drop my head knowing he can see my red cheeks. 

"No reason to hide from me sweetheart." He whispers in my ear not helping at all. He kisses the side of my head and I close my eyes and feel content wash over me. He pulls me tighter by my waist into him. "Tessa, Ms. Drake will be staying with us for the night so please make an extra dinner plate." 

She nods her head and walks back into the kitchen leaving me with Xavier and Luca. I stroke Luca's head while leaning my head on Xavier's chest. 

"Yay! Sleepover!" I chuckle along with Xavier hearing Luca's excitement. 

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