Chapter 49: You are Nothing

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-Xavier's POV

"We're here." 

I turn looking at the crumbling looking house we are current parked near. I turn off the engine and see behind me Nicholas and Cami park behind me. I get out of the vehicle and hear a grunt. I see Cami clutching her shoulder and sway a bit. I speed walk over to her bracing her side. She grumbles out a thanks before opening the back seat of his Hummer. I see her pull out a box turning it around to open it. I then see multiple types of small hand guns inside. My brows scrunching together. 

"Don't give me that look. You know we all are military." She says sternly loading the cartridge. I see Nicholas doing the same thing on the other side of the vehicle. Theo walks over and his eyes go wide. 

"Cami, what the..." His voice trailing off. 

"Theo, not now." She sighs continuing to focus on the guns. She puts two guns together and looks towards Nicholas. I see them share a look before nodding and shutting the doors. My attention turning back to the house. I watch as both the siblings stand beside each other walking intently towards the house. Theo and I striding behind them. 

The pair split walking towards each side of the house. I follow behind Nicholas. Him being cautious where he steps to not make any further sounds. He stops at each window checking inside to see if we can see anything or if any are unlock. We continue around until we run back into Cami and Theo standing right next to a window. 

"It's unlocked. Did you see her?" Cami ask. We both shake our heads negatively. She grunts again clutching her shoulder. 

"Cami, are you going to be okay to go in?" Nicholas ask. Cami's eyes glaring on her brother. 

"That mother fucker has my best friend. He should have done a better job at fucking finishing me." She rolls her shoulder. "He's mine this time." 

I stand there actually intimidated by her. I look over and see Theo looking intently at her. Nicholas nods his head once at her. I watch as they slowly push the window open before Nicholas climbs in first. Cami follows in next followed by me then Theo. 

We hear some movement coming from farther in the house. Barely any lights are on. We walk by the kitchen area that has a medical bag sitting in it. I then see a briefcase and a luggage bag sitting there. I continue following Nicholas and Cami who look like they are in a battle stance. They are walking with slightly bent knees and guns pointing in front of them. Cami has two in her hands. We come to stairs and I watch as Nicholas makes a movement with his hands that Cami seems to understand since she nods. 

I watch as Nicholas continues forwards while Cami heads up the stairs. I decide to follow Cami this time. Theo huffs but follows Nicholas. 

"Cami, are you-" 

"Shut it." She cuts me off pointedly. I continue to follow her in silence. We hear some rustling and follow the sound. I watch as Cami slowly pushes the door open to a room. The door surprisingly doesn't creak. I watch as Cami's body tenses looking into the room. I look over her shoulder and my eyes see red. 

In the room on a small bed is my angel with her hands tied behind her back. The fucking psycho has him arms wrapped tightly around her holding her to his fucking chest kissing her hair line. Heather is immobile and not conscious. I can't focus on anything other than him being so close to her. His eyes are closed. 

I take a step forward but Cami's arm shoots out stopping me. I stand rigid turning my attention to her. She looks more tense than me keeping all her anger barely contained. She takes calculated steps to Michael. Her guns held firmly in her hands. She lifts it and points it at his temple. She clicks back the safety and his eyes pop open up. 

"Get. Up." She grits out. He locks his jaw releasing Heather. Slowly slipping out of the bed.  His eyes still trained on Heather as if he can't look away. I fist my own hands. 

"Any sudden movements and I will splatter you fucking brains." She presses the gun harder to his head. He stands up with his hands in a surrender form. Cami standing firmly with the gun. "Nicholas, HERE!" She hollers. 

I don't hesitate taking two long strides gathering my sweethearts face in my hands. She doesn't wake up. I shake her slightly but still nothing. I check her pulse and she is still alive. 

"YOU!" I hear Nicholas stomp into the room but my eyes are still trained on Heather. Theo hands me a knife and I cut her wrist free gathering her in my arms. 

"Sweetheart, wake up." I whisper into her ear. No response. 

"What did you do?" Nicholas asks somewhere behind me. I sinister laugh floats through the room. I pick Heather up holding her to my chest. I then see Michael on his knees still looking at Heather. This sick mother fucker! Cami has both her guns trained on his head barely resisting the urge to pull the trigger. Nicholas is pointing his gun on Michael as well. Theo is standing in front of me trying to block his view. He continues staring at my love. 

"My love was just resting before our big day tomorrow." If Heather wasn't in my arms, I would have beaten the shit out of him by this point. 

"Theo stand to the side." Both mine and Theo's heads snap to Cami. She nods her head and Theo stands to the side allowing him a clear view of Heather. Cami leans down to his ear. "Do you see her Michael." 

His eyes light up making me sick. He nods his head. "Do you see the man that has her?"

His eyes continue looking at Heather for a minute before he finally looks at me. His eyes turning dark. He gives one quick head nod. Cami chuckles lowly. "That Michael is her love, the man she is going to marry." He struggles for a minute until she presses the gun further into his head. "And you... you are nothing.

Just like that, she pulls the trigger. I watch as he falls to the side with a bullet hole in his head. I finally look up at Cami. Her eyes still trained on Michael however her body's exhaustion finally capturing up to her. Her muscles giving out. Nicholas is quick to catch her. Theo swiftly walks over and Nicholas hands her over to Theo. I watch as her eyes stay on Heather before looking up at me. 

"I will do the same to you if you ever hurt her." I smile gently looking down at the beauty in my arms. I look back up and see Cami has passed out in Theo's arms. 

"You two need to get them to the hospital. I will stay here to take care of this mess." Nicholas says looking between the girls. He walks over kissing both of them on their foreheads whispering an I love you to them. We walk down the stairs and out of the house heading towards my car. I set Heather in the passenger seat and Theo slips in the back with Cami in his lap. 

I finally feel like I can breath. I take a moment to look over to my Angel, my sweetheart, the love of my life. Her soft rise and fall of the chest making me feel more calm. I have her. She is safe. I reach over moving her hair out of her face before turning my attention back to driving. 

"You alright man?" I say looking through the rear view mirror. Theo is cradling Cami close to his chest looking at her with a smile on his lips. 

"Yea.. yeah, I am." He says gently.

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