Chapter 47: Something's wrong

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- Xavier's POV

"Jesus man, lighten up." 

Theo says sitting in front of me. I glare at him before returning to some paperwork on my desk. He has been telling me that we should go to a bar or a club. I told him no so now he is sitting her irritating the shit out of me while I try to get my mind on anything other than the woman who has invaded all my thoughts. I wonder what she is doing right now?? 

"Why are you still here?" I ask raising an eyebrow at him questionably. He stiffens before shrugging slightly. I smirk realizing the answer. "How is Cami?"

"How would I know?" He says fidgeting in his seat. Caught him.

"Probably because she was the one that told you to hang out with me tonight so I wouldn't interrupt girls night." 

His eyes go wide before recomposing himself. He straightens up and clears his throat. "I just wanted to hang out with my best friend. What's the problem in that?"

"If that was the only reason, you wouldn't be fidgeting." I state look down at his hands. He quickly separates them. "Heather was right, your poker face does suck." 

His eyes finally connecting with mine. His turns them into slits before standing up. "Look you dick, yes Cami wanted you NOT to interrupt girls night. BUT I DID want to hang out tonight like old times." 

I smirk leaning back in my chair at his defensive attitude. I interlock my fingers and open my mouth to retort when my office door swings open quickly. Both Theo's and mine head whip to the door to see Luca standing there holding his wolf tightly. He runs over to me jumping in my lap. 

"Luca, what's wrong?" I say looking over his face for injuries. He looks scared. 

"Something is wrong with mom. She's not answering me." He says still squeezing the wolf. 

"She may be busy. She probab-"

"No dad, she answered but she said something is wrong and that she loves me. She hasn't talked back since." I look up from Luca to Theo who looks confused as well. I pick up the office phone calling her cell. No answer. I call back. Still no answer. I begin getting worried myself. I look over to see Theo attempting to call I presume Cami as well. He shakes his head negatively. My nerves already feeling heighten I stand up abruptly. 

"Luca, I will go check in on her. You need to stay here with Tessa and Leo." He nods his head and I buzz Leo to the office. Luca walks out hand in hand with Leo. I walk over throwing on my jacket. I notice Theo is throwing his on as well. 

"Did you really think I wouldn't come with?" I don't bother answering heading out the office towards my car. I jump in followed by Theo in my passenger seat. I begin racing off to my Love. I attempt to call her again in the car but once again no answer. I grip the steering wheel tighter pushing further down on the gas. 

We arrive there in record time and my pulse quickens at the sight. The front door is ajar. I jump out of the car running into the front door. I walk in to a very quiet house. The smell of blood hanging in the air. I look around and quickly walk up stairs to Heather's room. I see her phone sitting on her night stand. 

"XAVIER!" Theo yells from downstairs. I run back downstairs into their kitchen where I see Theo holding a bloody Cami in his arms. There is blood all over the floor. I pull out my phone call 911. I give them the address and lean down checking over her. She has a bullet hole in her right shoulder, and a cut on her head. She has lost a lot of blood. I check her pulse. It is faint but still there. I nod at Theo who looks completely distraught. 

"Theo, there are on the way." 

"Fuck man, what the hell happened?" I stand up running my hands roughly through my hair. Michael. He fucking has her! He found her and I wasn't here!! I turn around punching through a wooden cabinet. "Xavier, calm down man." 

"DON"T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! HE HAS HER!!!" I roar out. I hear the sirens letting me know the ambulance got here. I watch as they come in putting Cami on a stretcher. Police arrive followed by a very confused Nicholas. Cami is being taken away. Theo riding with her refusing to leave her. Nicholas stayed with me to find out what happened. He told me that our answers all lied with Cami. We needed to go to the hospital. I nodded realizing he was right. The police put out a want for Michael. 

A few hours later. Cami came out of surgery. All three of us swiftly made it to her room figuring she would still be knocked out... We couldn't have been more wrong. We walk in to see her standing up glaring at the doctor. 

"Let me out of here NOW!" She seethes continuing to glare. The doctor has raised his hands in defensive gesture. 

"Ms. Taylor, you have just had major surgery on your shoulder. I can not-"

"I will kill any person who gets in my way. Discharge me. Now." She grits out. I could not believe how incredibly strong she must be. I hear Nicholas mutter under his breath something like things never change but choose not to comment on it. 

The doctor gulps and nods his head. He turns and grumbles walking out. Nicholas walks over to Cami hoisting her up. I couldn't stop from asking.

"Cami, what happened?" Her eyes look exhausted but her rigid body and thin line lips showing how pissed she is. 

"Michael. He found her. He hit me over the head to knock me out. I woke up to him attempting to force himself on H. I told him to get off her but he shot me. I don't know anything pass that. I need to get home." 

My blood boils. He has her and god only knows what he is doing to her. He has what is mine. I swear to god if he touches her, I will kill him myself. I ball my fist and attempt to hold in the rage boiling at my surface. I nod my head at Cami. 

We quickly make our way out of the hospital. Cami still showing how fierce she is refuses to ease up. We get back to the home covered in police tape. She pushes the door open racing to the living room. Both Theo and I giving confused looks while Nicholas stands beside her. I watch her turn on the TV and then realize what she is looking at. She has had hidden surveillance cameras installed. 

We all watch what had happened. I get a clear view of the crazy man that is currently holding my love. I watch as she thrashes around in his arm trying to get released. Cami standing up to him even when he points a gun at her. She doesn't even flinch. The moment the gun goes off Heather begins frantically trying to get away from him. He drags her towards the front door when I notice something. 

"Reverse it." I say walking closer to the TV. We watch it again realizing she grabbed something off the counter. "Cami, what was that?" 

"That is my girl using her fucking brain." Cami reaches into Nicholas's pocket pulling out his phone. "She grabbed my phone. Now if he hasn't found it on her... then.. we... GOT HER!" 

She turns the phone around showing us a red light on a map. Heather. I quickly grab the phone looking at the address. It's not too far away. It's near a motel. I race off to my car with Theo jumping in yet again. I see Cami jump into Nicholas's Hummer. My thoughts racing nearly as fast as my car. 

I'm coming sweetheart...

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