Chapter 61: Surprises

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-Heather's POV

So it has been awhile since I took sometime to collect my thoughts. I decided to do a run for myself this morning. Instead of the beach I decided to run around the city. The sun barely rising and I continue pushing myself. So much has happened in such a short time span. I have met the  love of my life and finally moved on from my past. I have decided where my heart truly belongs and to whom. I gained a son. I have gotten engaged and pregnant by the man who has stolen my heart. I have learned to trust my instincts and decided my own course for the future. 

"Miss Drake!"

I turn around to see George standing there slightly winded hunched over. I rolled my eyes not even realizing he was with me. 

"George, what are you doing here?" I say placing my hands on my hips attempting to calm my breathing. 

"Did you really think that Mr. Sanford wouldn't keep me around now?" He says still trying to catch his breath. 

I giggle before shaking my head. I turn around looking out over the horizon stretching a little. I touch my ring a few times getting used to the feeling. I turn back around to see George smiling and shaking his head. I ask him if he is good to continue and he nods. I take off again with a destination in mind. I run for another 30 minutes landing back at my old home. George is heaving and hacking trying to catch his breath. I use my key allowing myself in. George follows me in and I lead him to the kitchen to get him a glass of water which he takes appreciatively. I let him rest there as I run upstairs to surprise Cami. I throw the door open. 

"SHIT!" I yell before quickly closing my eyes. I hear moving around and then hearing the clearing of someone's throat. I take that as a sign I'm safe to open my eyes. I slowly open them to see Theo sitting by Cami with the sheet up to his waist. Cami sitting beside him trying to fix her hair. I couldn't help but laugh. They both looked frazzled. "Alright, were going to act like I didn't just see that." 

"Deal." Theo says quickly. I am to excited to care what just happened so I walk over jumping on top of Cami making her fall back. "You do realize i'm naked here right?"

I glance over at Theo and shrug my shoulder still laying on top of Cami. He falls back placing his arm over his eyes. 

"So I actually kinda need your help... actually both of you!" I say leaning back letting Cami sit back up pulling the sheet over her chest. She looks over at Theo who just shrugs. She looks back at me before gasping. She grabs my hand looking at the ring. 

"HOLY SHIT H!" Cami screeches making Theo look up quickly. He smirks looking at it. 

"Took him long enough." Theo says falling back yet again. Cami quickly grabs a pillow hitting his face. 

"YOU KNEW!" She yells at him. He quickly makes the uh-oh face before grabbing the pillow throwing it at me. I am confused but when I remove it he was gone. I look around and see Cami's closet door close letting me know he made a run for it. Cami has turned back to my ring. "It's beautiful. Tell me how did he ask?"

"He didn't" I grin looking at the ring. 

"What do you-"

"He didn't ask me Cami, He demanded it." I say looking at her to see a grin stretching across her face. 

"Damn, that sounds hot." I toss a pillow at her while I smile and roll my eyes. "Wait, you said you needed my help." 

Just then the closet door opens showing Theo dressed in some sweats and a plain white v-neck t-shirt. He sits down next to Cami and puts his arm around her waist. She smiles and kisses his cheek. 

"Yes, I don't want to wait to be his wife and even more so to be Luca's mother." I pause and take a deep breath. "He surprised me with my family. Now I want to surprise him." 

Theo smirks and looks over to see Cami smiling knowingly. 

"Tell us what to do." 

-Xavier's POV

Sir, we just arrived at Miss Taylor's home. She is speaking with her upstairs.

"Thank you George." 

I sigh placing the phone back on to the night stand. I roll over looking at the sun just rising. Of course she would go for a run before the sun even rises. I smile remembering how perfect the evening went. I definitely could have done a grand gesture but I didn't want to wait. It was perfect for us. Afterwards we spent a long time caressing each other and talking about what kind of wedding we wanted. We both decided we didn't want an elaborate wedding. Just an intimate one, only our loved ones. 

"Dad, have you seen momma?"

I turn around to see Luca holding his wolf walking into our room. He waddles over to the bed where I pick him up gathering him on the bed with me. Him still half asleep rubbing his eyes. Nicholas brought him over before leaving for drill this morning. We were still asleep when he brought him in.

"Angel went to visit Aunt Cami this morning. She should be back shortly." I kiss his forehead. He squeezes his wolf. 

Hey lil man. What are you doing up already?

He grins and pulls the wolf away looking at it. I chuckle watching his excitement. 

"Hey momma, I miss you." 

Aww, thank you Luca. Momma misses her big boy too. Do you think you can tell your dad something for me?

He looks over at me and I nod my head.

"Sure can mom." 

Tell Daddy that Uncle Theo is coming to pick him up and to be ready in a nice suit. You as well buddy. 

I raise an eyebrow while Luca looks at me confused before looking back to the wolf. 

"Alright mom, I'll tell him." 

Love you lil man.

"Love you too momma." 

What is this vixen up to now?

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