The Emerald Forest

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Rock had decided to slow down and take a rest on the side of a tree, he was currently reading the small information paragraphs that came with every weapon

As he was reading he heard the sound of talking near by getting closer

"Did you hear that?" asks the very recognizable voice of jaune

"Gunfire. It seems some of our comrades have encountered the enemy." another voice says

Rock turns around and looks on from behind the tree to see pyrrha and jaune

Rock walked up to jaune and pulled on his jacket

"huh?! Oh! Is you rock" jaune said surprised

"you know him?" pyrrha asked

"this is rock, we met yesterday. Rock, pyrrha. Pyrrha, rock" jaune says introducing rock to pyrrha

"it's nice to meet you" pyrrha said kneeling down to rocks hight

Rock turned his head to the side with his cheeks puffed

"yeah I forgot to tell you, rock's super sensitive about his height" jaune said

"oh! I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" pyrrha said apologizing

Rock turned his head and nodded at pyrrha

"we should keep going" jaune said

Rock nodded and the whole group started walking

Jaune turned his head back to the direction the sounds of battle are coming from as Pyrrha raises a branch to pass by and accidentally releases it right at Jaune's face, flooring him instantly. As rock laughs silently

"Jaune! I'm sorry!" pyrrha yells

"It's okay. Just a scratch!" jaune says lowering his hand from his cheek to reveal a gash from the wooden recoil as he gets back up

"Why didn't you activate your Aura?" pyrrha asked jaune which intrigued rock

"Huh?" jaune said cluelessly

"Your Aura." pyrrha said

"Gesundheit" jaune said in response

"Jaune, do you... know what Aura is?" pyrrha asked

"Psch! Of course I do! Do you know what Aura is?" jaune says avoiding eye contact as rock rolls his eyes

"Aura is the manifestation of our soul. It bears our burdens and shields our hearts. Have you ever felt you were being watched without knowing that someone was there?" pyrrha asked to which rock nodded and jaune said "Uh... yeah."

"With practice, our Aura can be our shield. Everyone has it, even animals." pyrrha said walking

"What about monsters?" jaune asked

"No. The monsters we fight lack a soul. They are creatures of Grimm, the manifestation of anonymity. They are the darkness, and we are the light." pyrrha said as rock looked at himself in wondering

"Right, that's why we fight them!" jaune exclaimed

"Understanding dark and light helps us manifest our Aura. Everyone has some of both." pyrrha says which only get rock more interested

"By baring your soul outward as a force, you can deflect harm. All of our tools and equipment are conduits for Aura. You protect yourself and your soul when fighting." pyrrha said

"It's like a force field!" jaune yelled

"Yes, if you want to look at it that way." pyrrha said

Pyrrha walked up to jaune and put her hand on his head saying "Now, close your eyes and concentrate."

"Uhh... Okay." jaune said hesitant

Pyrrha smiles and closes her own eyes, opening them as her skin glows and her irises shrink before shutting them again. The two stand there, now with Pyrrha glowing a faint red and Jaune a bright white.

Pyrrha stands with jaune for a few seconds, once the light subsided pyrrha leaned over tired as jaune said "Pyrrha?"

"It's all right. I used my Aura to unlock yours, but the energy that protects you now is your own. You have a lot of it." pyrrha said as she watched the gash on jaune cheek disappear

"Wow..." jaune says as he looks as himself glowing


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