Forever Fall Part 2

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Rock was tempted to go help jaune, he wanted to help but he knew if he interrupted life for jaune would only get worse

It was like the train question would he flip the switch and help only for more damage to be done in the future or would he let it go and deal with today

It was like the train question would he flip the switch and help only for more damage to be done in the future or would he let it go and deal with today

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He had decided to let the train go and deal with today

Helping him now would only make Cardin more relentless and jaune would be the target

Rock watched their conversation from behind a bush

"You know that wasn't very smart, Jauney boy." Cardin said after team cdrl had punched jaune to the floor and picked him up by his armor "I'm gonna make sure they send you back to mommy in teeny tiny pieces."

"I don't care what you do to me..." Jaune bravely answered his head hanging "... but you are not messing with my team."

"What? You think talk like that makes you tough? You think you're a big strong man now?" Cardin asked as jaune smiled which enraged Cardin

An enraged Cardin roars and raises his fist again, but just as the hit connects, a bright light shines from Jaune, and the white faded, Cardin is crying out in pain as he holds his hand. Jaune, now back on the ground but completely healed, looks confusedly at his hands as they faintly glow white. While he stares, though, Sky kicks Jaune in the back and gets him on his stomach, but he looks up and glares at the approaching Cardin.

"Let's see how much of a man you really are..." Cardin says

a low growl is heard, and a surprised Team CRDL, jaune, and rock turn around and see a large Ursa Major with dozens of jagged spikes sticking out from its wide back. It leaps forward and stands over the terrified students, lifting its head in the air to smell the sap on Cardin's breastplate. It lands back on its forelegs and roars at Cardin while his teammates heroically flee. Saying "That's a big Ursa!" Rock rolled his eyes and pointed his mega buster at the monster just in case

Cardin is rooted to the spot when the Grimm swings its claws and knocks him sideways, revealing Jaune cowering behind him. The Ursa continues to sniff, uninterested in Jaune and following its nose to Cardin. He watches at it towers over Cardin, who gets his wits and pulls out his mace weapon only for the monster to swipe it away to Jaune's feet. He looks conflicted, wondering whether to fight or run away.

Rock was prepared to fire his weapon and at the moment was currently holding on to the shot so he could fire at a moments notice suddenly he started glowing and he felt the energy build up in his arm

Cardin is attempting to run from the following Ursa, but it leaps over its prey and claws him away. He tries to get up and crawl away saying "Crap! Crap, crap!"

"Oh, no!" rock turns around and sees pyrrha with ruby and weiss

They watch as the Ursa leans over the helpless victim, raising its paw and swiping it down... only to be blocked by Jaune's shield. He struggles to defend a stunned Cardin from its attempts to lean on him, but Weiss lifts her weapon as she prepares to go help.

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