Chapter Eight

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The young mother had made the jurisdiction that her daughter internal clock was broke. For the second night in a row the baby slept through the day, and wanted to play all night.

It was around one AM when she woke up again, Juliette was crying due to a wet diaper. Lexi changed it and laid her back down. Hoping she would go back to sleep. The three month old kept on crying, so the girl tried feeding her, but once that wasn't the problem Lexi realized that her child just wanted attention.

Until three in the morning Lexi played with her daughter while Nemo played in the background. Around three thirty Lexi was dead tired and tired of singing old McDonald. She laid her daughter down on the bedside sleeper and put the bar up. The child had yet to roll over but she didn't want to risk it.

"Okay Lettie, Mommy is trying to sleep. She has to look nice for her friend. I really don't want to look like a raccoon" She cooed at her baby. Juliette seemed to ignore her mother and looked out the window at the stars. If it kept her entertained the mother was happy. Lexi tried to close her eyes and go to sleep but she couldn't help but to worry about the baby.

It was an emotional dump truck came on her at three thirty two. She suddenly began to worry for her. Lexi had the infant so young, she knew nothing about being a mother. What if she was doing this all wrong? What if she had been worrying to much and doesn't let her figure things out on her own? Or what if she's coddling her too much? Will she be okay without a father? All these thought swirled into Lexi's mind instead of the dreams she wished she had.

Lexi finally saw the back of her eyelids fifteen minutes before the alarm went off. Once it did Lexi felt as is she was hung over. She had a pounding headache and her eye lids felt heavy. The brunette slammed her hand onto the phone. She lifted her head off the pillow and opened one eye to look at her daughter, whom was fast asleep on her back.

Lexi sighed and pulled herself off of her bed. Her bones creaked at the lack of sleep. She stretched and slid her slippers on her feet. She shuffled her way to the stairs and down them. Lexi held the railing for dear life so she didn't go stumbling down. "Morning Bug" Charlie said from the oak table. "Morning" she mumbled while pouring herself coffee. Usually she drinks tea but today she needed something more. She added cream to it and sat down across from her father.

"How was your day with Paul yesterday?" Charlie asked trying to see if his daughter and granddaughter were okay with the male. "Oh it was just great. Paul is an awesome" Lexi said looking down and smiling shyly blushing at her coffee. "So, um...are you too an...item?" Charlie said awkwardly. Lexi blushed even harder and took a loud drink. "No, not officially" she whispered. "Well, safe... I love Juliette but I don't need another baby...also remember don't let a things yo-" Lexi cut her father off. "No! No! We are not having this talk. I know don't let boys take advantage of me, keep my legs closed" Lexi said suddenly very awake. She ran upstairs to get away from the tension. Charlie cringed at his daughters choice of words. "Kids" he mumbled setting the mug in the sink and leaving for work.

Bella was leaning on her sisters when doorframe when Lexi came up. "What?" Lexi asked trying to walk away. "Dad tried giving you the talk too? Didn't he realize that it didn't work the first time?" Bella said smirking. "Honestly, I hope your kids have your old teeth and his hairline" Lexi said glaring at her sister. "At least I know my boyfriend hasn't slept with most of Forks and La Push" Lexi paled at this comment. She didn't want to believe Paul would be like that. "I mean you're right them with him, having a baby already" Bella said smirking. Lexi growled "At least my kid looks human! Your teeth! His Hairline!" She slammed the door in her sisters face. The young mother stomped over to her baby.

Lettie was sleeping peacefully not relaxing the scene that just happened in the hall. "At least someone can sleep" Lexi mumbled before grabbing a change of clothing. She changed into skinny jeans and a sweatshirt from her old school. Lexi braided her hair to the side and added a headband. She brushed her teeth and washed her face. Juliette woke up and began crying as she was drying her face.

"Oh I know little girl. I left you alone for five minutes" Alexandria said picking up the crying infant. Juliette gave her mother a gummy smile. Lexi said happy words to her daughter as she brought her over to the changing table. She set her on the long wooden table and took off her nightgowns. The infant still had a cough and a fever. Lexi gave Juliette the proper amount of medication and changed her diaper. Alexandria our her daughter into a white onsie. Then a pair of baby style jeggings and a yellow mustard sweater. The infant hair was short but growing quickly. Lexi put a large yellow flower headband on her daughters head.

Glancing at the clock, the girl realized she had fifteen minutes until Paul was picking her up. Lexi carries the infant down the stairs carefully and set Juliette in her swing, she turned it on and walked into the kitchen. Lexi makes her daughter a bottle and puts some tea in thermos. Lexi goes into the living room and feeds her daughter.

She turns on the news and waits for Paul to pick her up. Just as she was about to call him, he knocks on the door. Lexi set her daughter in the swing and opens the door. "Good morning Lexi" Paul said smiling. "Morning Paul, are you ready I don't want to be late?" Lexi asked grabbing Juliette and setting her into the car seat. "Yes, sorry for being late, I was... showering?" Paul said more of a question.

Lexi's mind went straight to what Bella brought up. Her jaw tightened at the thought of Paul seeing another girl. Even if him and her weren't an item, she wasn't ready to be played again. "It's fine" she mumbled and tucked a blanket around Juliette. "Hey you okay?" Paul asked as the young mom brushed past him to her car. "Yeah I'm good" Lexi said again quietly. She hopped into the driver side without a word.

Paul frowned his brow and got intro he passenger side. "Alexandria I really didn't mean to be late" Paul said with sorrowful eyes. "I told you it was fine!" Lexi told him with a raised voice. Lexi pulled on to the road. Paul tried figuring out what he did to make his imprint angry. While Lexi tried her best to see the better side of Paul. Since she didn't know if it was true what Bella said about him. About halfway to the clinic Lexi couldn't take the new found tension between the pair.

She pulled over seeing she was going to be twenty minutes early as is. "I have a question" Lexi said glancing back at her daughter. "Yea" Paul said happy someone was talking. "W-where do you think this relationship is going?" Lexi asked glancing up at him. "Well, I suppose where ever you want it too"
Paul said shrugging. Lexi glances at him confused. "But Paul where do you want this to go" Lexi said slightly irritated. Paul took her hand, "listen darling, whoever you want this to go I'm more then happy" he said smiling. She rolled her eyes and smirked. "Well right now I just want to this doctors appointment on time" Lexi said and began to drive again.


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