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Welcome to Lake Orion Michigan! My parents and I pulled up to the small town surrounded by trees and quaint little houses. I mentally laughed to myself. We had always lived in big cities for as long as I can remember so this was going to be a shocking change. I loved big cities, the lights would twinkle brightly throughout the night sky, almost as bright as our lovely stars so high above us. It was really just a preference of mine and my father had allowed us to take residence in Seattle for quite some time. Another favorite of mine had been New York. I know it was so cliche, but hey that was where people went to chase and live out their dreams. I had admired them for that.

We had to relocate to a small town in Michigan, the next few years would be spent here and I was to enroll in the local high school. A heavy sigh escaped me, I had a deep love-hate relationship with school. I was quite smart and did well academically but I was just always so bored. I wanted to just skip ahead and graduate early but my parents wouldn't allow it. They wanted me to get the normal childhood experiences, to blend in and have friends and graduate high school at the age of 18. 

After several failed arguments I finally gave up. I hated arguing and it was natural for me to want to comfort those who were upset. My father was the same way so we had compromised on a normal high school experience and after graduation I was free to do whatever I pleased. I could travel, go to college, work, or my father's personal favorite was to join him and become a doctor. His literal existence in life was to heal people and he always bragged about how he was placed here by God on this very Earth to do so.

I quickly began to unpack all my things and settled into my new room. It's late on a Saturday afternoon and I'd have to start school on Monday so I figured the rest of this weekend would be best spent decorating our new home and exploring the town a bit. My mother called me down saying dinner was ready and I quickly scurried down. She made my favorite, spaghetti with meatballs. I don't know why but I just absolutely loved spaghetti. I ate so much of it as a kid my parents began to worry and they used to tease me about how I was going to turn into a bowl of spaghetti one day. I simply glanced up at them and said "Oh well at least noodles are long and skinny." They stopped arguing with me after that and I continued to devour the countless dishes of pasta for it was my own little taste of heaven. After dinner I went upstairs and showered in my en-suite bathroom before making my way to bed. Before I knew it I was out cold, but not before I heard a howl in the distance. I giggled to myself, I think this town was going to be a lot more interesting than I initially thought.

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