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Today was the first day of school. I groaned a little before getting out of bed and getting ready for the day. It was late fall so I decided on a pair of denim jeans with a dark gray sweater and a pair of black shoes. I did my hair and put on some light makeup before heading down for breakfast.

"So Denver are you excited for your first day?" Dad asked. "As excited as ever!" I noted with sarcasm. My parents shared a look. "Honey it will be good for you here, there's lots of fresh air and nature. It will be a good time to decide what you'll do after high school. Maybe pick up some new skills or hobbies." "I know mom, I'm glad it's just that I want some adventure you know?" "I know what you mean kiddo, but you always do well in these kinds of situations. It's literally impossible for people not to like you... or us for that matter." My dad said as he let out a little laugh at the end. I smiled, "Yea yea I know. Well I'm off now I'll see you when I get back." My parents gave me a hug before waving me off and getting ready for their new jobs as well.

Lake Crest High School, Home of the Titans. Well this is it I thought to myself. I parked my car before heading in through the main entrance. I could feel the curiosity seeping through the pores of every student, faculty and staff at this school. I quickly made my way to the principals office to get my schedule and locker combination. Before I knew it Sophie came bounding down the halls to greet me. "Hey you! I knew I'd find you here! Let me see your schedule." Before I could reply she ripped it out of my hands. "This is great we have a majority of our classes together." She squealed. "First up is chemistry so let's go you can sit next to me." I followed suit and stepped into the classroom. Sophie introduced me to some of her other friends. "Guys, this is Denver it's her first day here." "Denver, this is Aurie." I smiled and waved. Aurie was a petite girl with gorgeous porcelain skin, reddish brown hair and green eyes. "Hi! Nice to meet you!" She smiled. "And this is Gwen." Gwen had curly dark brown hair that complimented her mocha skin and had the kindest brown eyes I'd ever seen. She smiled and introduced herself. "Hey, it's really nice to meet you guys." I said. "So Denver where are you from?" Aurie asked. "Seattle" I replied "And before that I spent some time living in New York." "Oooh we have a city girl! I like it!" I gave a laugh, I could tell Aurie was going to be a very exciting person to get to know. She seemed to be the mood maker of the group while Gwen seemed to be more laid back. I bet she was the mother of the group, I gave a little laugh in my head. I took my seat before the teacher walked in. "Good morning class. Today we have a new student joining us. Ms. Pierce, would you like to introduce yourself?" I stood up and gave my best smile to everyone. After all first impressions are very important and would set the record for everything here on out. No matter what, people will never forget their first opinions of you. "Hi everyone, my name's Denver and my family and I just moved into town this weekend from Seattle." I sat back down, everyone including Mr. Parker had a slight shock on their face before smiling and giving me a warm welcome. I was glad I laid that smile in my introduction. It was hard for people to hate me after something like that. Heck, who am I kidding I don't think anyone has really hated me. Not trying to be cocky or anything but that's just who I am, it's how I've always been, same with my parents.

The class flew by and next up was English. The buzz around school was quite fascinating, this new girl (aka me) was quickly becoming the talk of everyone's hushed whispers in the hallways and classrooms. Luckily Sophie and Aurie were with me again. "Denver!" Aurie exclaimed. "This is my ma- boyfriend DJ." "Hi nice to meet you." I smiled. I took a seat next to them and brought out my notebook and pen. My heart started beating a bit faster which was odd. I calmed myself down for a few seconds while everyone chattered amongst themselves. The door then swung open and in walked the most gorgeous male I've ever seen. And that's really saying something because I'm not one to really fuss over physical looks. It's what's on the inside that really matters. But this man wow he was something else. He stood at about 6'1 with wavy brown hair and hazel eyes that had specks of green in them. Everything about him exuded power and confidence. His presence in the room was overbearing. He sat in the empty seat next to me and I blushed. "Denver this is my dork of a brother Alexander but everyone calls him Alex." Sophie said. I quickly fixed my shock and gave a small wave. "Denver, that's a lovely name, where are you from?" Alex asked. My God, his voice even his freakin voice was gorgeous. It was deep and rough and did something to my insides. Somehow I know he knew the answer already but I decided to entertain him. "Seattle" I whispered. He chuckled before staring deep into my eyes. It was weird, so weird I feel like he was staring into my soul exposing every thing I had within me. It made me feel vulnerable and I was not used to it at all not even one bit. I quickly dodged his stare before looking back at the front. Why was I so infatuated with him. I could feel his gaze piercing my side and damn I was at a loss. A part of me wanted to stare at him forever and the other part of me, the more rational side wanted to scoot my desk farther away from him. I knew he was trying to figure me out. I could make out the thoughts in his head as it displayed itself across his eyes and became engraved in the slightest of his facial features.

Finally the bell rang and it was time for math. Thankfully I only had this class with Gwen and before I knew it, it was time for lunch. I met up with Sophie and her other friends. Their table was smack dab in the middle of the cafeteria. I also met Gwen's boyfriend Cole. I was surprised Sophie didn't have a boyfriend here on campus it seemed like everyone who was anyone hooked up like there was no tomorrow. I'm not kidding there were couples galore. Not to mention everyone here is unnaturally beautiful. For once in my life I actually felt a little dull. Haha I laughed to myself in my head. Today was not going the way I planned at all. It got oddly silent in the cafeteria and then I found out why. Hottie McHotpants aka Alex had just strolled in and took a seat at our table once again staring at me. God damn doesn't this boy have anything better to do. "Hey" he smiled. I just sat there like an idiot before I let out an awkward garble of I don't know what. Ugh nice one Denver pull yourself together. If possible his smile got even bigger and he was so close to me that I could see the dimples in his cheeks. I was a sucker for dimples. Alex quickly noticed everyone hadn't stopped watching us so he gave a silent glare and everyone immediately went back to what they were doing.

"So uh Denver what brings you to Lake Orion?" DJ asked. Thank god for the distraction. "My parents moved here for their jobs and we had always lived in big cities so we figured that the change to a smaller town would be nice." He smiled. "Well we're glad you're here now, welcome to our little pack" Aurie shot him a glance. "Crew, I mean crew. You know us at this table we're all friends now. Any friend of Sophie's is a friend of ours." DJ chuckled nervously. Alex sighed before scooting his chair closer to me. Jeez what was up with this dude. Is he trying to do this to me on purpose. He might actually give me a heart attack, the thing was beating so damn fast. My god can this day just be over I needed a nap I was freaking out at all these feelings and needed to reign them in.

By the time I got home I was mentally exhausted. I sat through dinner with my parents briefing them on the events of my day and the weird interaction I had with Alexander. I hadn't decided if I liked calling him Alexander or Alex yet, but that would be saved for another day. "I mean why would werewolves show so much interest me?" My parents exchanged a glance. "Well maybe they're just not used to people like us arriving in town. It could be quite the startle for a species like theirs. But it's fine honey I'm sure they'll get along with you quite well you know that." My mom was always the calm logical one in the family. "Hmm yea I guess so. I'm gonna head up to bed, I was way more social today and I'm drained." I just wanted a good nights rest before I had to endure it all over again tomorrow. "Alright sweetie sleep well we love you." I headed upstairs and before I knew it I was out cold.


Hello!! I hope everyone has enjoyed chapter 3! Please feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think :)

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