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I Denver Pierce was officially Alexander King's girlfriend! OMG I could not believe this was happening. I was on cloud nine and nothing could bring me down. I sauntered my way into the kitchen and sat down for breakfast. "Good morning my beautiful family. How are you doing on this fine morning?" I asked. Both of my parents immediately stopped what they were doing and looked at me like I had grown a second head. "Excuse me, but what have you done with our daughter?" My dad asked. I laughed, "Oh dad, ever the jokester." I looked over at my mother to see her eyes were nearly bulging out of her head. "Are you alright sweetie? I take it your date went well then." I smiled at my mother, "Yes in fact it went very well. Alexander asked me to be his girlfriend!" Eeeeehhhh internal squeal. 

My parents both looked at me in shock. "Oh, well that's wonderful sweetheart I'm happy for you." My mother replied. Hmm I thought they would be a bit more ecstatic considering he is my first ever boyfriend. I looked over at them and tried to analyze what they were thinking. Something was off and it was probably having something to do with all that crap Tobias had laid on us the last time he visited.

"Denver, this Alexander of yours.." Hehe, yes dad he is mine and boy did that sound great. I focused back on what my father was saying. "He is a wolf is he not? Has he told you that he is in fact a werewolf?" I frowned, "Well no not yet." I thought about it some more, why did it matter whether or not he was a werewolf. Hell it's not like we were 100% human either. My mother hummed in response. "Have you considered telling Alexander your secret?" I stiffened. To be honest no. "I didn't think it was really that important mom. I mean it's not like we'd be any threat to each other and I don't think I would really have any significant impact by being in his life." I paused before continuing. "Of course if we are seriously together, I'd consider telling him. But my telling would also expose the two of you and it's not something I'd take lightly."

They both shared a look. "That's very smart of you Denver, you never cease to amaze us and make us proud." My dad said. "But I do want to make something very clear. This boy.. you may go ahead and date him but should things get any more serious, you would have some very important decisions to make." Ok now I was confused. "What are you guys talking about?" I asked. My mother let out a heavy sigh. "Denver, we... our species has never mixed with another. Ever. In our entire history, there has not been a single occurrence of one of us being with another supernatural or human. You know that." 

Oh great, here we go, it's another awkward round of the birds and the bees talk isn't it. Tack on a few more points for the supernatural weirdness that is procreation. I knew werewolves tend to settle down quite early and produce pups. I think they also had something called mates.... but I wasn't quite sure considering I had never really learned much about any other species. I didn't even know much about my own to be honest. It's like my parents kept me locked up in a bubble my whole life praying that I wouldn't be dragged into their world, or any world other than the human one.

"So what you guys are saying is that should I stay with Alexander, I may or may not have to leave him because our species don't belong together?" My heart broke at the thought. "No not necessarily dear. It's just that... oh Danny I can't do this to her. We need to tell her." My mom looked like she was on the verge of crying and that scared the shît out of me.

"Mom, what the hell is going on?" My dad decided to speak up this time. "Denver, in the werewolf world, they have what is called a mate. Something akin to a soulmate. A person that is literally their other half, a person created entirely for them and only them. The fact that Alexander is a werewolf and has taken your relationship quite seriously makes us think that you may be his mate."

WTF. What was going on here. On one hand I internally screamed out of pure joy. The thought of him being my mate made me feel butterflies in my stomach. But on the other hand what my parents were saying was beginning to scare me. "Have you ever felt tingles or sparks around him?" My dad questioned. I paused, "Yes." I answered. "And do you feel completely calm and at peace when you're around him? Does he make you feel like the center of his universe and vice versa?" I answered yes again. The thought of anything happening to him made me feel quite sick to be honest and if he was ever taken away from me I think I'd go absolute bonkers. 

"Honey, I think you might just happen to be Alexander's mate. I've seen the way he looks and cares for you and the questions you've just answered confirmed our suspicions." I looked at my mom. "Well this is a good thing right? I mean all their lives people look for their soulmates and I finally found mine." My statement came out as more of a question to be honest because I wasn't quite sure what this meant for me or Alexander.

"Denver, just relax and try to enjoy your time with Alexander. If he does confirm our suspicions that you are his mate just remember one thing." My dad stated.

"Angels and werewolves don't mix." 


Dun dun dun!!! There it is. Denver is an angel! Did any of you guess that correctly?

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