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Here it is folks the chapter you've been waiting for!! Let's see what our Alpha thinks of Denver :) This is Alexander's view from meeting her from the first time 

Alexander's Point of View

I woke up in an unusually good mood for a Monday. My wolf Damien was pacing around in my mind. What's up? I asked. I don't know but somethings different I think something big will happen today but I can't tell what it is. Damien replied. That's strange. I've never felt Damien act this way and I didn't know how to take it, Well is it good or bad? I wondered. Hmm it's good. After he replied he went to the back of my mind. Well that's a relief at least it's nothing bad. Sophie had mentioned that some humans had moved into town over the weekend and the daughter had stopped by the cafe where she works. My father was aware of course. Anyone who moves into our territory has been checked out whether they are human or not. It's for the safety of all our pack members, although it was quite rare to get a family of humans in this area. The only humans that lived around here were the mates of a werewolf or the casual one offs that stopped through town. They weren't a threat so that eased my mind. However Sophie did say there was something about her. At first she thought this girl had to have been a supernatural. She was beautiful and seemed to exude this radiant energy. She was definitely not a wolf but there was this aura about her and it was nothing like Sophie had ever felt before. At least that's what my sister had described. I doubted it, I knew Sophie likes most people she encountered so I figured she was just hyping this human up more than was necessary. She said her name was Denver. Hmm "Denver" that's an interesting name. A small shiver went through my body as I said her name out loud.

I quickly got ready for the day before heading downstairs. I shook hands with DJ my beta and Cole my third in command. They had been my best friends since I could remember, we practically grew up together from the time we were in diapers. Our parents had all been best friends growing up so it was natural with their relationship and ranks that we would be close as well. "Yo did you hear there's gonna be a new girl at school?" I glanced at DJ "Yea Sophie was telling me all about it, she went into the cafe yesterday during her shift." I replied. Aurie and Gwen came down and went to their mates. I must admit seeing all my friends already mated made my heart clench. I wanted that too. I was ready to find my mate and it was obvious she wasn't in my pack. I began to worry. At the age of 15 we go through our first shift and that's when our wolves have the ability to tell who our mates are. It had already been 2 years and as I saw my friends and sister find their mates it made me even more sad. I felt lonely and desperately wanted my other half. I had never dated any girls. Hell I was still a virgin but I saved myself for my mate. I knew she was out there and I didn't want any stupid hormones getting in the way of ruining that.

We all pulled into the school. DJ, Aurie and Sophie in my car while Cole and Gwen pulled up and parked next to me. We walked in and headed to our first period. I had history which was farther down and made a quick stop at my lockers before class. Everyone slightly bowed to me since I was next in line to be alpha. I grabbed my books and headed off to class. My wolf was jittery as fück and it was starting to make me anxious. He was pacing and howling and panting. What is wrong with you?! He just growled and whimpered some more until I finally shut him out so I could focus on class.

I had English next and even though it wasn't one of my favorite subjects I was eager and actually really excited to go. What the hell is going on. As I got closer I got a whiff of the most amazing smell. It was like fresh rain and flowers with a hint of vanilla. It was absolutely divine and I craved more of it. I had to have more. It was coming from my English class and as I opened the door there she was. The most beautiful girl I'd ever seen in my life. Mate. My wolf growled. I was stunned. She looked up from her desk and her eyes met mine. She had the most beautiful brown eyes they were like swirls of chocolate. Her brown hair fell in loose waves down her back and it made me want to run my fingers through it. Sparks erupted all throughout my body as I stared at her. I made my way over to the desk beside her and sat down. I could hear her heart racing. Hmm haha my little mate was nervous. That was good it means she was attracted to me cause I sure as hell was attracted to her. I heard Sophie introduce me but I paid no attention to her. This is the new girl Denver that I was telling you about. My sisters voice rang through my mind and I let out a nod of approval. "Denver that's a lovely name. Where are you from?" I asked. I already knew the answer but I just wanted to hear her voice. She looked at me before replying. "Seattle." Ugh my god even her voice was like music to my ears. Everything about this girl was perfect and I wanted to know more about her. This girl was my entire world and I would make sure she knew it. I mind linked my sister. She's my mate. There was a gasp before her voice screamed in my ear. I winced a little. OMG no way!!! Yes this is amazing I knew I liked her for some reason and now she's your mate! This just keeps getting better and better. I smiled before turning back to gaze at my beautiful mate. I watched as she tried to concentrate in class, I couldn't help it she was just so cute. I knew she was distracted and every now and then she would take a quick glance at me thinking I didn't notice but I did.

Lunch came around and my friends were at our usual table in the cafeteria. I had mind linked them saying Denver was my mate and to make sure she was sitting at our table by the time I got there. DJ and Cole had congratulated me and I knew that Aurie and Gwen were really happy for for us as well. They apparently all had first period together and everyone really liked her. I was glad. She would make a perfect Luna. My Luna.

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