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**Our lovely Denver above played by Maia Mitchell... also my reaction to Francisco Lachowski as our Alpha :) Enjoy

The next few days went by pretty much the same and each day Alex tried to get closer to me. Needless to say, I was confused out of my mind. I mean I knew that werewolves were pack creatures and kept to themselves so I didn't get why Sophie and her friends were so keen on making me a part of their little group. I mean I loved it and all but there was something they were hiding other than the fact that they could turn into giant dogs. Hmmm I've always wanted a dog, I giggled. I doubt my new friends would want to play fetch with me. It was currently a Friday and the gang was at lunch. Sophie had invited me and the girls over to her house tonight to have a sleepover. It would be packed with movies, games, gossip and an array of junk food. I couldn't wait. I stocked up on sugar like a squirrel stocks up on nuts for the winter.

After school ended I went home and packed my bag. My parents were thrilled that I was going to hang out with my friends. They were glad things were going so well during our first week. I drove over to Sophie's house scratch that more like mansion. It was huge and I couldn't tell if this was a house that belonged to royalty or the mafia or both. I watch way too much TV. I went up to the door and knocked, Sophie answered immediately and we made our way to the living room to join Aurie and Gwen. I noticed that DJ and Cole were around so that means that Alex must be close by too. "Most of our friends hang out at our house since it's the biggest and most convenient." Sophie explained. We settled down talking before a group of guys came in followed by Alex and another guy who looked to be made of pure muscle. He was handsome as were the rest of them but no one could even hold a flame to Alexander. He won that contest without even having to enter it. I mentally slapped myself, what is going on with me and where did that come from? Sophie ran over and jumped up onto Mr. Muscle giving him a big kiss. He chuckled before putting her down gently and gazing into her eyes. I could feel the love radiating off of them, it was incredibly sweet. "Denver this is my boyfriend Trevor." I quickly said hi before noticing that Alex was already gazing intently at me. I blushed a bit as Sophie and the others smirked knowingly. What was up with them? I excused myself to the kitchen to get a glass of water and suddenly someone's hands were on my hips as shocks made its way up my body. I gasped and spun around looking into Alexander's eyes. He looked pleased by my reaction before leaning in closer his lips grazing my jaw ever so slightly. Shocks erupted everywhere on my body and I took in a deep breath. He smelled so good. "Excuse me, I was just reaching for another cup in the cabinet behind you." He said huskily, but as I looked at the gleam in his eye I knew the last thing on his mind was that stupid cup. I cleared my throat before stepping away my arm brushing against his chest as I did so and I swear I heard him growl. It was slight and low but oh so present. God I hope he doesn't want to eat me. I know that werewolves have an unusually high appetite and tend to growl when angry or hungry.

I grabbed my glass and scurried off back to join the girls. We were watching a movie while we waited for our takeout to get here. We ate and talked and laughed before going up to Sophie's room to continue our night. The boys all groaned upon us leaving but Sophie was firm that no boys would be allowed for the rest of the night. We gossiped about celebrities and the latest trends and everything in between. "So Denver what's your type?" Gwen asked curiously. The girls all stopped to look at me eager for my response. "Oh well.." to be honest I was caught off guard I mean I had never really dated, much less be even remotely interested in anyone at my last school. "Hmm well I never gave it much thought before, but I guess my answer would be someone who's honest and kind and loyal. Someone that can bring out the best in me and I can do the same for them." A few seconds of silence graced us before anyone said anything. I was beginning to think they had gone mute. "Woah." They all replied in unison. "That was like so totally sweet." Sighed Aurie. It was a little freaky but they looked ecstatic with my answer and I swear I heard Sophie whisper that I was perfect but I brushed it off. "Well have you ever dated anyone before?" Asked Sophie. "Uhh.. no" by this point I was blushing profusely. "Soooo you've never really done anything like with anyone?!" Asked Aurie. I chuckled nervously "Yea haha I guess so.." jeez where on earth was this conversation going. "Well that's alright Denver I am absolutely positive that you'll meet the right guy here!" Sophie had the weirdest look on her face and it was slightly creepy, like she was sure of something that I knew nothing about. Our conversation quickly led back to other random topics all while watching movies and playing games. 

Midnight quickly approached and the girls and I were all starting to doze off. I decided I should use the bathroom before going to bed so I quietly stepped out into the hallway and made my way over. Once I was finished I opened the door only to bump into a solid rock hard chest. "Oomph" sparks flew up my body and my nose tingled as I rubbed it. I looked up to see none other than Alexander. "Sorry" I said meekly. He chuckled deeply "It's ok kitten you can bump into me anytime." With that he winked and moved out of the doorway since his body took up most of it. I'm surprised he could even fit. "Well ugh goodnight." I said awkwardly. He quickly placed his hands on my hips spinning me around and placing a finger on my chin before lifting it up. Jeezus my heart was beating a million times per hour now. He smiled a genuine smile that nearly took my breath away. "Goodnight Denver, sleep well princess." My face was beat red right now and thank goodness it was dark because I could feel the heat flush on my cheeks and I quickly made my way back off into the safety of Sophie's room. I sighed as my hand rested on my chest trying to calm my racing heart. What was that boy doing to me.


And here is chapter 4! 

For any of you who are wondering, yes Denver does know that Alexander and all of her friends are werewolves, however they don't know that Denver is aware of their secret (*wink wink). Things should be getting interesting so stay tuned :)

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