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I got up early the next morning ready to explore what I would be calling home for the next few years. I think I saw a small cafe when we drove in and decided I would head that way. I got ready for the day pulling on a nude sweater and some black leggings before applying a bit of light makeup and letting my brown hair fall in loose waves down my back. I put on my white sneakers before heading down for breakfast. My mother was pouring freshly squeezed orange juice and my father had decided to indulge us in some avocado toast. Ugh I just loved avocado. I quickly ate my breakfast and divulged my parents of the plans I had to go into town. They happily agreed as long as I was back home by dinner. I grabbed my bag throwing in the current book I had been reading, some pens, a sketchbook, my wallet and keys. I unhooked my phone from my charger and made my way out giving my parents a kiss on the cheek as I left.

I entered the cafe to be welcomed by the smell of freshly brewed lattes and pastries. There were a few people inside who quickly looked at me in shock before turning away. I gave a small smile as I ordered a hot English Breakfast tea latte before making my way over to a corner table looking out the window. I could feel everyones stares on me but I decided to ignore them. After all this was a small town with a population of a little over 3,000. They probably weren't used to seeing newcomers that often and I knew it was a tight knit community that kept to themselves. I think my presence here ruffled their feathers a bit and I could practically hear the gears turning in their head.

The barista, a young girl with blonde hair and green eyes dropped off my tea latte as I thanked her. "Hi, I'm Sophie!" she exclaimed. I smiled and introduced myself, "Denver" I replied. "It's very nice to meet you Sophie." She seemed pleased with my answer. "Will you be going to school here?" Happiness and excitement practically radiated off of her very being as she anticipated my answer. "Yes, I actually start tomorrow." Sophie smiled, "Oh that's fantastic, I guess I'll be seeing you around then. I'll be sure to find you, hopefully we have a few classes together." "Sounds great!" I was happy for it seemed like I had made my first friend here.

I stayed in the cafe for a few more hours reading my book and sketching random images that popped into my head. I absolutely loved drawing, it was an amazing outlet to let my creativity flow. It always put my mind at ease. I checked my phone and decided to head back home. I felt a bit anxious for tomorrow. Not only was it my first day but I had some interesting news that I found out about this town and I couldn't wait to share it with my parents. I'm sure they already knew.

As I opened the front door of our house, I spotted my parents finishing up dinner before setting the table. I ran to join them as we sat and discussed our day. My mother was a writer and professor and had planned to begin a new position at the university nearby. My father of course being the doctor that he is went to meet his new coworkers down at the hospital. Tomorrow would be the first day that we would settle into our new lives here. "So Denver, did you meet anyone or make some friends while you were out? How was that new cafe?" My mother questioned. "It was good, I think I made a new friend, her name is Sophie and she goes to the local high school here as well." My parents seemed pleased. "You know I think this town will be a nice change for us, after all I think the werewolves here will make things quite interesting." I replied. My dad smiled, "I think so too sweetheart."


So what do you think so far? How does Denver and her family know about werewolves even though they aren't ones themselves...

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