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I turned around and looked at Alexander before running into his arms. Tears poured down my face as I looked into his eyes. "You're okay" I sighed.

He looked at me in shock. "Denver" he spoke quietly, "What happened? What was that?" I shook my head, to be honest I wasn't exactly sure either. I knew that I was a reaper, that I had the ability to take another angel's powers. I also had more than one power which was previously unheard of.

I tried to explain what I could fathom as best as I could. My parents came over as well as our friends making sure we were okay. My heart was still racing as I tried to calm down. Seeing my mate die had done something to me. I will never forget the way his lifeless body felt in my arms. I think a part of me had died with him and even though Alexander was alive and right in front of me, I still felt too traumatized to even think about letting him out of my sight.

We made quick work of cleaning up our surroundings and making sure everyone in the pack was accounted for. Thankfully there were no casualties on our end, but some of our wolves were injured and taken to the pack infirmary to be taken care of. Alexander assured me that with their advanced healing they would be fine. My father also pitched in where he could.

While Alexander tended to his pack, my parents and I had a discussion where I explained to them everything that had happened, including me traveling back in time to save my mate. My parents were shocked to say the least, but they understood what had to be done and luckily for us things had worked in our favor, for now at least.

Once things had settled down, my parents decided to head back home, but I insisted I would spend the night with Alexander. After everything that happened, they understood my need to be with him. I quickly made my way up the stairs and to Alexander's room. I showered and tried my best to scrub away all the trauma of the past 24 hours. I couldn't help the nagging feeling in the back of my mind. It was like a feeling of paranoia and the constant need to make sure that Alexander was okay. I sighed stepping out and threw on one of Alexander's t-shirts before drying my hair and snuggling into his bed.

A few minutes later Alexander came in. "I missed you, what took you so long."

He chuckled, "Sorry princess, I just needed to tie up a few things, but trust me knowing that you were spending the night with me probably made me wrap things up in half the time."

I smirked and pulled him into bed giving him a kiss. It was slow and passionate and I made sure to pour everything I had in me into that kiss. I loved him with all my heart and being.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too princess. More than you know." He replied. And with that I fell asleep, holding my mate and my Alpha in my arms.


If anyone is interested in creating cover art for this story please let me know! I would love to include it as the official cover :)

Also omfg guys I published this chapter 4 days ago and just now realized it didn't go through?! Soooo sorry.. anywho please enjoy :)

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