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My breath shallows as I near the door matching the number on the key.

Room 24

The numbers were plated in gold. The door a dark mahogany brown. The large inanimate object was very intimidating; I had to fight the urge to turn around and go back downstairs.

Turning the key into the lock, I walk-in. Making sure to keep my head held high:

Confidence scares insecure men

I set the drinks down on a table facing the men. I make sure not to make a sound or look at anyone in the room. I turn around, placing drink by drink in front of the men. There were five in the room. 

One of them being my boss. His eyes manage to catch mine momentarily. I look away quickly, but it was too late. He was already facing me with a large smirk spreading on his face.

"Sweetcheeks!" His grating voice booms through the VIP room, "Come here and sit on my lap."

Don't let them touch you

Amber's previous words ring in my ears as I fix my gaze to Braxton. All eyes in the room stared at me. I could feel their heated gaze on me and it made me sick to my core. 

"Sorry sir, I'm only here to serve the drinks," I flatten my voice, not wanting them to hear my panic, "I will then return downstairs and finish my shift."

I place the last drink down, before looking up once again. The man in front of me, his face was something I could have thought to be a trick - a game.

He completely enchanted me.

Every part of him had my hypnotized. Whose face is that gorgeous? There were no flaws as far as the eye could see.

His face strong and eyes intimidating. He had sharp blue eyes, they struck me like lightning. It's not very often you see eyes as vibrate as his. They seemed as if they had been touched by storm clouds themselves. Their icy color contrasted with their warmth. 

His looks were truly devilish; I have sinned to even look into them.

Something so beautiful must be forbidden

I quickly look away pulling back, before I reach the door, Braxton speaks out again.

"I don't care what you're here to do," He seethes, "I said to sit on my lap, so sit on my lap,"

"I apologize sir, but that is not something I'm willing to do." My sharp tone prodding at his ego.

I get enough shit at home 

I'll be damned if I take it from anyone else

"Listen here you little bitc-" Braxton cut off by a deep velvety voice.

"Leave her be, Miller, finish this meeting. I have better things to do with my time." The blue-eyed devil himself, speaks up against my boss.

I nod in acknowledgment, a silent way of saying thank you without losing my job. I quickly pick up the now empty metal tray, leaving the tension-filled room.

As I near the bottom stair I see Amber waiting for me.

"How was it?" She asks

"He asked me to sit in his lap in front of the whole room," I sputter, "I don't think I can do this anymore. He's so spiteful. I don't think I could look him in the eye ever again."

She engulfs me in a hug, a warm, reassuring hug. I was lucky to have her has a friend. She was loyal and genuine. She knows nothing of my home life, whether she's noticed my bruises or not, she hadn't spoken on them. I was also grateful for that. 

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