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I woke up in this lovely bed, with warm covers and the beautiful foreign sun embracing my skin. However, this bed is empty. Again.

The man I'm supposed to share this bed with is up and gone. Tending to the things that he says I can't know. I roll over to look at the clock.


I was awake when he left. When he ever so quietly rolled out of bed and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I don't know what compelled me to pretend to sleep. I think it's the small annoyance that keeps prodding at my heart. I have this bad feeling and I don't know what it's referring to.

Tiptoeing from the bed, I peek out of the hotel room door. The guards, if they're even here, weren't posted at the door. Quietly I make my way to Angel's door. She's now officially my adventure buddy.

I knock, "Angel?"

After a few seconds of silence, I hear shuffling.

"Rose? Come in," Angel pulls me inside. "Are the guards not outside?"

"No, I haven't seen any of them since yesterday," I sit on one of the couches.

"What the fuck?" She mumbles to herself.

Damn right

Since I've been with Cole, I've always had a guard when he wasn't around. Not that I liked having them. The constant surveillance gets old very fast. It's just that them not being around it suspicious. Elijah would've made sure to double it after we snuck out yesterday.

"Somethings going on," I state, "Did Elijah tell you anything last night?"

Angel shakes her head, "Nothing."

I feel like a secret agent right now. Not a very good one though because even if I wanted to follow the boys I wouldn't even know how to start. The mafia world is so large and complex. There's no way in hell I could pinpoint a string to pull.

"Wait!" Angel blurts, "He went off on a rant last night about the meeting. He let it slip that it didn't go well. He said something about how hostile the meeting got and them cutting it off early,"

I blink, "So what's that mean?"

"It means that they have to go back and have another meeting,"

"So you think that's where they are?" I pause, "Did he tell you where it's being held?"

She nods, "I might have an idea."


After Angel mooched a french man out of his car, we figured out that neither of us actually know how to drive in France. As well as knowing where we're trying to go but not knowing how to get there.

We quickly realized that the speed limits are kilometers per hour.

Not miles per hour

Considering the number of guns we have in this stolen car. The talk with the french police officer could have gone very differently. Angel's seduction skills got us away with just giving the officer a fake address so he can mail the ticket to us. He only gave us a ticket for going a hundred and ten in a sixty-eight zone.

Such a nice guy

"Where the hell are we going?" I ask as we slow roll through an abandoned parking lot.

"Elijah gave me an address before we got on the plane. He said that it was in case of an emergency," Angel answers solemnly.

She stops the car in front of a very large building. The bottom windows were beaten out and the seemed to be missing.

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