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"One time, I fell face-first into this marble floor. I ended up with a concussion and a broken nose." 

Elijah and I talk about anything and everything walking through the penthouse door.

A gorgeous man sits at the island of the kitchen. Eyebrows furrowed at the computer screen in front of him. It's really quite stunning how attractive he is without even trying. I don't think I'll ever get used to looking at him. 

I don't mind though

"What's wrong?" I ask going behind him, "You look stressed."

I don't know what possessed me to reach my hands to his shoulders. I wasn't really thinking, but he started to relax under the massaging movement of my fingers, so I continued it. 

"Thank you, Beautiful," He sighs, allowing his body to rest more under my hands. "Just a few people to handle."


That's the first time he'd said it in English. It's crazy how the mere sound of a person's voice can make your heart leap.

"Just another day as a gangleader I suppose," I joke, walking to the fridge to for a bottle of water. Although my back is turned, I don't miss the almost the silent whine emit from Cole's mouth.

 "Do we have to go back to that club? God, what was its name?" Elijah trails off plopping on the couch. 

"Yes, unfortunately," Cole groans into his hands, "The name is Surrender,"


That's the same club I worked at with Amber at.

"Yes, Princesa. It's the club you worked at," Cole goes confirms the statement I hadn't even asked yet.

"W-why do you have to go there?" The fucking stuttering. 

It makes me want to punch myself in the face.

"We have to talk to that so-called boss of yours," I can tell Cole picked up on the stutter and decided not to say anything. 

"Alright, I'm going back to my place to find something to eat," My brother lazily gets up from the couch and walks towards the door.

"You literally just ate," 

"I'm a growing boy, I need food," 

"A boy indeed," I shake my head, turning towards Cole just to see him already looking at me. A small smile grazing his face. 

"If you need me, I'll be in the bedroom getting dressed." I skip to the bedroom.

"Can I watch?" Cole's joke is one that I invite freely to not be one. 

"If you're fast enough."


A thousand choices of clothes are starting to get overwhelming now. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore the options I've never had before. 

But in times like this when I have to be ready for an outing in limited time, I don't know what to wear. I'm currently still sitting in my robe on the ottoman of my closet. 

A silk robe - may I add - it's very lovely by the way.

"Cole!" I yell.

I can hear his very heavy footsteps approach the door of the closet.

"¿Qué pasa, Princesa?"
(What is wrong, princess)

I pout, looking back at him, "I can't pick a dress."

He chuckles lightly, coming further into the closet. His eyes scan around the room. The wheels turning in his head. His striking blue eyes widen ever so slightly when they land on a dress. 

He reaches down to kiss my forehead before picking the dress off the rack and placing it next to me. 

"You would look absolutely ravishing in anything you'd pick, Hermosa," He starts out the door, "Or if you were to wear nothing at all," He states barely above a whisper.

I stay facing forward trying to hide my raging blush.

The silk dress next to me caught my eye. I hadn't noticed it when I was looking just seconds before Cole came in. It truly was stunning. I actually got excited to try it on. 


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"Ready?" Cole asks looking up from his phone once he heard my heels click against the floor. 

My usual line is delayed as my nerves pick back up. Until today, I'd never realized how working in that environment has affected me. My conscience links the nightclub to a dark time in my life. That is why I believe I'm reacting this way revisiting it. 

"Don't be nervous, Princesa," His large hands caress my face, "I didn't let the son of a bitch disrespect you then and I won't let him do it now,"

"It's not even about that," I sigh, "I can't even form my anxiety about that place into words,"

Gosh, his hands feel really nice right now

"I know, I know. I'm overthinking it. I just can't help it," I lean more into his hands. 

"Rosa, I would never let anyone hurt you,"

"You know that night I served you, was that last night I went to work there. I left work immediately after that,"

"Ah, I remember seeing you in the parking lot,"

"Oh, so you remember staring at me," I joke, trying to ease my nerves. He chuckles.

"I most certainly was staring at you, I love a woman in uniform,"

"Of course you do, that uniform was literally longer," I shake my head, chuckling slightly.

"Actually, your waitress uniform it my favorite."

He adjusted my face so I was staring into his eyes. 

Dangerous move

I'm sure there is a quote about staring into the Devil's eyes. I'm also sure it doesn't end well. In all of the books in the world about the fallen angel, no one ever tells you how extraordinarily handsome he is. 

It makes you stop and think: Who wouldn't fall in love with the Devil.

Especially when he looks like the man in front of me

I stop and think maybe that's why he's so dangerous. Because everything that crosses him is struck by his beauty, cut by his gorgeous eyes, and seduced by his magical tone.  

I wonder if it's true a devil can't love.

For that would truly be a shame

"Ready when you are."

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