Chapter 11 | Tae?

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As soon as I entered the kitchen, I felt Ji Ah's soft gaze on me. Actually, her gaze didn't leave my face and body and I did as if it didn't affect me. In fact, I felt flustered. After all, I didn't waste so much energy on my looks for nothing!

When we arrived at her workplace, I couldn't help but act like a gentleman towards her so I got out of the car and opened the door for her. She was so surprised that she didn't move out of her seat and I had to take her out of there. I gently took her hand, which fitted perfectly in mine, and brought it closer to my chest, to pull her out of the car. Soon, she was standing in front of me, dangerously close to my chest, since I'm a bit taller than her. We just stared at each other in the eyes, holding our breaths, just like the first time. I couldn't stop staring at her... She's stunning so I obviously couldn't take my eyes off of her... Those deep brown eyes... Also, it was amazing that, just by a touch, me and Ji Ah could connect so much. She blushed and looked away... She's so damn cute! I couldn't help but smile at her actions. Anyway, we said goodbye and left.

When I got in the car, Jungkook started driving. I just sat there, looking blankly in front of me, replaying the moment that just happened in my head;

JK: Hey hyung, are you fine? Something seems off...

Me: Yes, I'm fine don't worry...

JK: Okay... so what happened? Does it have something to do with what happened with Ji Ah outside, a few minutes ago?

Me: You saw what happened!?

JK: Yes, I did. Now, just answer my question!

Me: Okay, yes, fine! It does!

I told him what happened. Everything I was feeling at this moment, every detail;

JK: Woah... You really seem to like her hyung... a lot...

Me: No, no. I shouldn't. You know exactl-

JK: You should really move on, hyung. What happened in the past will probably not happen again and even if it did, you shouldn't stop yourself from loving and being loved...

Me: Wow! Our maknae has become much more mature! When did THAT happen!? However, you know exactly that you don't want to see me hurt again and I don't want it either... Let's not make it happen. End of the discussion.

Jungkook knew that this subject was very emotional for me, so he stopped talking. He and I already had this conversation before... many times... After all the things that happened, all the trouble I've caused and all the things I've lost, it won't happen again... I won't let it happen again, so I absolutely had to stay away from Ji Ah from now on, until she moves out of our house.


When I finished work, the little maknae picked me up. On the way back to the house, we talked a lot about many things, but mostly about Jimin and me, once again;

JK: Hey, you seem happier these days! It's nice to see you like that, it affects the whole group, in a positive way though!

Me: Oh, really? Well, that's nice to hear...!

JK: Yeah, I noticed by the way you dress and how you act... I was asking myself, would this happiness have something to do with the fact that you've been staying up late to talk with Jiminie hyung and that you fell asleep on his shoulder yesterday night?

Me: W-wh-what are you e-even talking ab-about?

He got out his phone when the car came to a red light and showed me the picture:

Me: *blushing* Stop that. I was just helping him falling asleep.

JK: That's curious... We used to do that too but it never worked...

Me: Oh...

JK: Ji Ah, I think that Jimin really likes you... *slamming his left hand over his mouth* Shit! I shouldn't have said that!

Me: *challenging tone* Oh really, what makes you say that?!

JK: Oh-oooh look! We arrived at the house!

He was right, we were already parked in the parking lot of the luxurious home that the boys owned... However, I never told anybody that I just got fired...


As I got out of the plane and went into the waiting area of the airport, I thought I would see a driver waiting for me or even the members to come to pick me up. However, nobody was there. They probably just don't have time or something like that... I hopped in a taxi and went back home.

As I got there, I paid the driver and went to the door. I didn't expect anybody to be there since there wasn't anybody to come and pick me up at the airport... I knocked a couple of times but nobody answered, as expected. So I took my keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door. As soon as I entered the house and closed the door behind me, the 6 boys, that I had missed so much, were all standing at a few centimeters from me and were staring at me with big and confused eyes...



Hey! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter because I really had fun writing it! Stay tuned for the next chapter! If you liked the chapter, please don't forget to vote and leave a comment to help me with my writing!

Love you! Purple you!

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