Chapter 13 | Love's complicated...

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While Hobi hyung and Ji Ah were doing the dishes, we talked about what happened when Tae was away. We then watched a horror movie and Ji Ah wouldn't stop tightening her grip on my arm each time she would get scared. It was so cute! I would've loved to hug her and tell her to not be scared but I couldn't, in a way. I knew that if I tried to get closer to her, to get to know her better, I would fall in love with her. The problem with that is that I would probably get hurt again. Jut like Irving Stone said: "There's no love without pain". Plus, in the long run, Ji Ah's going to be crushed, just like I was a few years ago. With that, I got out of the living room, just to get away from her. I took a shower and lied in my bed, thinking about life in general until I heard a knock on my door;

Me: Enter!

Tae: Hey hyung... Are you alright? Did something happen?

Me: No Tae... I'm okay... I just need to be alone...

Tae: I have a question...

Me: What?

Tae: Is Ji Ah bothering in the house since she arrived?

Me: Sometimes... Well, not all the time but she can be loud so she can be annoying and disturbing.

Tae: Good point. Then why don't we just kick her out?

Me: Because... I don't know... I guess she's nice and all... also, she does chores!

Tae: But we need to take care of her...

Me: She's a grown adult Tae, she takes care of herself on her own and she doesn't have a place to go. She got kicked out and she got fired sooo...

Tae: You're right... Can I stay?

Me: I guess so.

Tae: We could watch a movie on my laptop, like we used to! It always helped you to sleep!

Me: Yeah! Why not.

We got everything ready and started the movie. When it ended, I could hear Tae snoring. Weirdly, I wasn't sleeping yet... Tae watching a movie with me usually helped a lot but I guessed it changed... I got out of my room and made my way to the living room. I decided to read a book while listening to music since I couldn't get some rest. I usually didn't do this but I didn't feel like watching TV that night. Laying on the couch, I was peacefully reading when someone sat beside me and handed me a glass of water with ice cubes in it. I removed my earbuds and put the book down on the couch, without forgetting to set a bookmark at the page I was reading. I sat up and took the glass that was given to me. As I chugged the water, eyes closed from satisfaction as I drenched my thirst, I could hear the crackling sound coming from the ice cubes that were slowly melting when meeting with my hot breath. It's only when I saw the empty glass that I realized that I had gotten really thirsty while reading. Then, I finally looked up to see who was sitting beside me;

Me: Thanks... Ji Ah?!

Ji Ah: Hey...!

Me: You should be sleeping. Please go back to your room and sleep.

Ji Ah: I had something to ask you...

Me: Urghh, what?

Ji Ah: Why are you ignoring me and avoiding me since I came back from work? Did I do something wrong? Is it because of what happened this morning? If yes, I-I'm so sorry...

She looked so worried and that's all because of me... I hate seeing her like that and I hate feeling that way. Why did I have to meet her?! Even if I didn't want to, I had to push her away. Staying away from her feels like the right thing to do... At least, that's what my head's telling me. Still, my heart keeps aching at my decision...;

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