Chapter 16 | tension

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We went to go wake up the boys that were still sleeping. When I arrived in front of Yoongi's bedroom door, I knocked and immediately entered, knowing he would be asleep. I tried everything to wake him up but nothing worked. I tried calling his name, shaking him a bit and clapping my hands but he didn't budge. I had one last thing I could do that would maybe work;

Me: *whispering very, very close to Yoongi's left ear* Yoongi oppa~

He immediately stood up, got off of the bed and looked at me with big round eyes. His body was clearly really tense but when he realized that I was the one who woke him up, he relaxed, threw his head back, brought his right hand on his hip and his left hand on his mouth and let out a relieved sigh;

Yoongi: Thank god it's you! I thought it was Jungkook or something like that. I would have been terrified!

Me: *laughing* That would've been funny as fuck!

Yoongi: Oh, shut the fuck up! It's not because you are my friend that you have the right to laugh at me! I'm older, you should respect me!

Me: Okay... sorry, Yoongi oppa...

Yoongi: Good...

We then got out of the room and went into the kitchen, where all of the other boys were already eating breakfast;

Jimin: OMG! You woke him up, and he didn't even scream at you! I admire you for that!

Me: Yup!

Jimin: How did you do?

Me: Oh, that's his and my little secret *looking at Yoongi*

Jimin: Weird...

We waited that everybody was finished eating and we went to the living room;

Me: So, let's just summarize what we have to do today. Jungkook and I are going to go shopping for a dress and a ring.

Kook: I already have the ring, noona!

Me: Oh, good! You absolutely have to show it to us later but for now, please stop interrupting me.

Kook: Oh, okay! Sorry noona...

Me: So, me, Jimin and Kookie will go shopping for a dress, shoes and every "props" we need for tonight.

I got out a little piece of paper and started a list;



Rose petals




Makeup that fits with the outfit (obviously)


Me: While we do this, you guys will have to clean the house a bit. I won't ask you to clean your rooms, just tidying them up so that it's okay. However, for the living room, bathroom, dining room, and kitchen, you'll have to do real cleaning. Tae will have to go grocery shopping so you better decide on a recipe while we go shopping.

Yoongi: Urgh, alright. I'm doing it for Jungkook.

Me: After that, all of us will prepare ourselves in clean and pretty clothes. Jungkook will go and pick her up. When she arrives, I'll become friends with her and propose to do her make up. In that time, I'll give her the dress and shoes. While I do this, Jin oppa, Yoongi oppa, and Jungkookie will make dinner...

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