Chapter XI - Door To Death

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Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes
What doesn't kill me makes me want you more
-Cruel Summer, Taylor Swift


Anne castigated herself from showing her weakness to Henry, she cannot believe herself that she touched him.

Anne closed her eyes as she remembered the night of the ball where she touched Henry's face, she even allowed him to embrace her. His skin is soft as she remembered.

She cannot break her walls, walls that will protect her heart and life.

"Lady Anne!" Lola entered her chamber abruptly, there's a fear and panic in her voice.

"Slow down, Lola."

Lola breathed heavily. "Lady Anne, we need to leave now! The sweating sickness is all over the place. A hundred of people died because of it. The King ordered everyone to vacate the palace for the safety og everyone and to sanitize the palaace." Lola went to the closet and get the luggage.  Lola put all Anne's dresses and personal thing.  She cannot afford to have her Lady Anne catch the sweating sickness.

Anne remembered that she caught the sweating sickness in her past life but she was able to conquer it.  She remembered the first time she met Henry when she become well.

Henry and Anne promised to see each other once she gets well.  After excruciating weeks, here she was, waiting in the secret garden of Hever Castle on Henry's arrival.

Anne was so nervous to see Henry after six weeks of resting and recovering from the sweating sickness.  She was afraid to die. That's the time she realized that no matter how high the mountain she will climb, she will no longer fight herself in loving Henry.  She had enough.  Her near death experience make her braver.  She will not care if they branded her whore, slut, or anything as long as she has Henry. She will grasp her happiness, won't let anyone take it.

For past weeks, Henry wanted to visit her but she refuse to see him.  England needs their king healthy and alive. Their communication are exchange with love letters.

Anne felt Henry's love and devotion to her, he even sent the best doctor to her, to ensure that she will comeback to her feet.

While she was waiting, Anne sipped her tea and opened one of Henry's letter to her. She kept it always with her, it was the reason why she fought hard to live. Henry.

Dearest Anne,

I received a cruel news this morning that you have caught the sweating disease.  My heart is bursting with worriness about your health and life.  I prayed to God that he will heal you.  Our life together has not yet started, My Love. I cannot afford to lose you.  I beseech you to get well soon.  I am losing my mind, thinking of losing you. I cannot breathe and eat properly just thinking about it. I will see you soon and we wil start our fight together, my only woman.

I have send the best Royal Physician to Hever Castle, he will see your health closely.

Your Forever Servant,
Henry Tudor, HR

Anne smiled.  Her heart is bursting with happines. She is now ready, ready to be Henry's wife and mother of his sons and daughters.


Anne knew by heart his voice.  It it is like a nusic in her ears, his soft and baritone voice.

Anne turned around and see Henry. She cannot explain the joy she felt as she stare in his blue eyes, shining with unshed tears.

Henry took a large stride to her, he tightly embraced her, afraid of losing her.

Anne smiled at Henry's shoulder.  She loved the comfort and heat he was giving her.

"Henry, I cannot breathe." Anne said after a long moment.  She can't really breathe. 

"Shhhh.   Anne, my love, just give me this moment to comfort myself.  I thought I'll lose you." Henry hugged her tighter if that's possible.  Anne sighed as she felt Henry's tears in her shoulder.  Who would have thought that the proud King of England can cry. Anne pushed Henry out of her embrace and cupped his face with a small beard.

She wiped his tears and kissed him.  She smiled in their kiss.

"I am well now, Henry.  You will not lose me."

"You cannot blame me, Anne.  Only few are lucky to survive the sweating sickness."

"Then, I guess I am one of the lucky one, Henry."

"You are, My Love." Henry kissed her passionately.

They kissed until they are out of breathe, assuring each other that they are now together. Not even death and sickness can set them apart.

"Marry me, Anne. Be my wife and my queen."Henry kneeled on the ground and show her the rarest ruby in form of a ring.


"I know. I am still married but I will make sure to divorce Catherine and make you my wife, the Queen of England.  This past weeks are too hard for me, Anne.  We are not promised forever and I cannot waste any time not to be with you."

This time, it was Anne who cried.  Henry is promising her everything in golden platter.

"Yes, Henry. I will marry you.  This past weeks is also hard for me, wondering if I make it alive.  I promise myself to no longer fight myself.  I will show you my love wholeheartedly, no matter how many obstacles we will face, I will be at your side as long as you love me."

"Oh, Anne! You made me the happiest man in the world!"

That night, under the moonlight and stars, surrounded with cornelia flowers, Anne surrendered herself to Henry.  Her love and innocence.  She has no regrets because she knew that Henry will be forever hers.

"I love you forever, Anne Boleyn, My Queen."

"Lady Anne."

Anne snapped into reality when Lola called her name.

'It was a beautiful memory.'

Yes.  It was a beautiful memory that Anne kept in the back of her mind. It's too painful to remember all the good things between her and Henry because she knows it turns into the most tragic love.

'Is it better if I died on sweating sickness?' Anne shook her head, the negativies are plaguing her head these past days. Maybe loving Henry killed her but one thing comes out good, even the best.
her daughter Elizabeth.

"Lady Anne, we need to leave." Lola said after she called men to help them carry their baggage. "The carriage is waiting for us, Lady Anne. We need to leave soon, the palace is too contaminated." Anne stood up and flattened her dress.

As they stepped out, Anne saw Henry outside the door, surely waiting for her.

She bowed and greeted him politely and proceed on leaving.

But Henry hold her arm to stop her from leaving.

Henry inhaled and exhaled deeply. "I just want to see you one last time, Lady Anne." Henry smiled to her.  Her heart skipped a little. "We do not know what is the outcome of this outbreak.  I cannot assure if I will be alive or dead after this, that's why I had to see you, Anne.  As much as I wanted to keep you here, beside me, I know it's impossible and I can't let you get sick."

"Your Highness..."

"I just have one request from you, Anne. Please be well, Anne. I cannot afford to lose you."

"You too, Your Highness." Anne looked into his ocean blue eyes, she surely easily get lost in them. She knew that in the past, Henry did not catch the sweating sickness, it was her who got it.  Henry hurted her that almost killed her soul but she wouldn't want anything bad to happen to Henry.  "You will not lose someone who's yours and I am not yours, Your Highness."

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