Chapter XXI - Birth of Elizabeth Tudor

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Anne marriage to Henry is a bliss.  Yes, they were arguments abut they don't let it go too far.  Anne have learn in the past how to handle Henry's moods and anger.

At the third month of their marriage, Anne found out that she's with a child.  She couldn't contain his happiness. But she knew in her heart that she's carrying a daughter, Elizabeth.  The fear started to creep into her. Not giving Henry a son is the start of her downfall.

At the six month of her pregnancy, the midwife notices the pale complexion and thin body of the Queen.

"Your Majesty, are eating and sleeping well?" The midwife asked Anne, worrying about her condition and the health of the heir of the kingdom.

Anne deeply sighed.

"I don't have appetite to eat and I have trouble sleeping these past month, Roselyn."

"Your Majesty, you must eat and sleep more for the sake of the child you're carrying.  You are also endangering your life."

"I know, Roselyn.  Thank you.  I will try to do what you said."

"My Queen, don't try, do it for your child and King's sake." Roselyn, the midwife said as she arrange her thing to leave.

"Madame Roselyn, don't worry about the Queen.  I will watch her like a hawk to make sure she eat and sleep properly.'' Lola said with conviction that make the two woman smile.

Yes.  Lola stayed with Anne side throughout the years.  Lola's loyalty and honesty is the admirable traits that Anne loves. Lola become her trusted lady in waiting and she gifted her lands and jewelries to elevate her status.  Lola is to be married with the Viscount of Cheshire.

Roselyn left and Lola started to prepare the Queen's meal.

"My Queen, you need to eat.  I won't leave you until you finish it."

"Okay." Anne did not fight and argue with Lola this time.  She know that she only thinks about her well being and the child. "I am sorry, my Elizabeth." Anne said to her stomach while caressing it.

That night, Henry barged into their chamber.  Yes, Henry and Anne sleeps on the same room.  It is unusual but Henry wants to be with Anne all the time, especially that she's carrying their child. 

"I come here after Roselyn reported your condition to me." Anne sat up in their bed and Henry sat beside her, hold her hands. 

Anne forgot that Henry specifically told Roselyn to report all her findings to him directly.  He wanted to make sure that his wife and child are in good condition.

"Henry, I am fine and the baby is fine."

Henry sighed and cupped her big baby bump and whispered to it.

"Please stay strong, my son."

Anne was frozen upon hearing the word 'son' from Henry.  She was reminder how pressured and anxious she is to give Henry a son that he wanted, one of the reason why she miscarriage the last child she bear. 

Anne asked what she feared.

"What if it's not a son, Henry?"

Henry looked up to Anne with crease eyebrows.

"There was a prophecy that you will give birth to a strong and healthy Prince, Anne."

"Henry, what if I am carrying a daughter?"

Henry did not say anything which making her anxious.

"Is this what stressing you these past month, Anne?" Anne did not need to say anything and Henry understands it. Henry sighed and cupped her cheeks. "I am such a fool."

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