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This is just a random idea I had for a while. There might be some mistakes and inconsistency.

Thank you for taking your time to check this thing out.

!! It involves kidnapping and mild blackmail.
Reader discretion is advised. !!

*Guide to fonts:

"Qwerty" - direct speech;
"Qwerty" - inner speech, memories;
Qwerty / Qwerty / Qwerty (sometimes)  - emphasis;
Qwerty (usually accompanied with •∆•∆•) - author's note;


It was a simple day as any other. I was walking home from school and was contemplating about all the stupid things that have happened today. I do that often, maybe a little too often so that the thoughts start haunting me. They replay in my head and I cringe internally.

But luckily music was my saviour. I walk home with my earphones, my mind surrounded in those sweet waves of sound. I love it.
I also do it so I can ignore the stares of other people. They always stare. I don't think I'm that ugly. I'm just exaggerating I guess. But why can't people just mind their business and look down forward at the road so that they don't step in nasty gum or spit or worse - a crack. I don't look at people passing down the street. It's stressful and awkward. I know how to mind my own business; wish others did the same.

However, I don't like it when I'm not aware of my surroundings. My earphones are not full "vacuum" so that they isolate the outside noise completely, yet I have to admit I don't hear everything. That can be both an advantage - not hearing little brats screaming and a disadvantage - if something is coming my direction and can hurt me, I won't react on time. But fortunately, I always take care to look both ways when crossing any street so I think I'm good.

Everything was going well, as usual. I was listening to my music and the only time I looked directly in front of me was when I checked if there are any smokers in front of me. You see, I can't stand cigarette smoke. I feel like I'm dying the second I feel even a tiny bit of it. Good, there weren't any. I could continue walking up the hill with my dear melodies.

That's what I intended to do, if I hadn't gotten a heavy feeling of dread. But I get that feeling often, along with the worst possible scenario in absolutely every situation. So I didn't give it much thought. Needless to say, I regretted that decision.

A few seconds later I felt a presence behind me. It wasn't directly behind me, but a few cm away. "What the-" I thought to myself and prepared to turn around. But I was stopped as a strong hand wrapped around my waist and held me in one place. My backpack was against someone's chest. I was guessing it was a male chest, but I couldn't be too sure without the help of the information from my eyes. Whoever he was, he was tall and that wasn't a good thing in my situation. I prepared to open my mouth, express my frustration with a polite "the fuck" thinking that maybe it was: a) a stupid prank like guys sometime decide for some stupid reason to do in order to embarrass you or most likely make fun of you; b) it was an acquaintance of mine who somehow recognised me from behind and thought it was a good idea to surprise me like that, (but the thing was that I don't remember having any acquaintances who might fit that criteria) or c) a misunderstanding - the guy mistook me for his girlfriend or something, but again, that was unlikely. Who in their right mind would have a girlfriend as hideous as me?

Just when I was going to express my thoughts verbally, a hand covered my mouth with a napkin. Now then I started panicking. I grabbed his right arm around my waist with one hand , another one on his wrist which held the napkin in my face. I started struggling while muffling swear words all addressed at this very polite fellow who decided this was a great way to invite someone to accompany you. But the fucker didn't budge. His arms were heavy as iron and despite me putting my full force in my grasp, I couldn't move him one bit.

Then I remembered: legs. I have legs. I've always thought that in a situation like this, victims should use their legs. But then I understood that in the heat of the moment, you don't think rationally fast.

But I started to put my legs to work. Don't fail me now, flesh sticks. I lifted my right leg and was about to step on his foot. Instead, I hit the ground. I tried with my left leg and then my right one again but I couldn't hit him. What was he, a ghost? Was he floating? Maybe if I am a little higher.

Just like he was reading my thoughts, I heard a low whisper in my ear: "Nice try. But I suggest you stop struggling. You're only making it harder on yourself."

Like hell I would. This angered me more. I tried to struggle even harder, but his grip tightened, almost squishing me. My backpack wasn't very stuffed so it wasn't much of a help as a shield.

It felt harder to breathe. I didn't think too much earlier about the napkin covering my mouth. It was chloroform. Or something similar, I don't think I know its smell so I wasn't sure. Only now I was paying attention to how strong the sweet smell was and how I felt getting weaker. Together with his tight grip, the scent was making my vision feel blurry and my eyes heavy. My hold on his hands started to loosen. Why didn't I try conserving my breath somehow and think this through? I wasn't sure even if that would have worked. Only then, from desperation I tried scratching him, but it was too late. I was losing the power in my arms..and then my legs. No! I had to fight this, but my body wasn't listening.

With the remaining power, I tried looking around. People. Someone must have seen this. I was on a main road.
But there was nobody in sight. How was that possible? There was literally no shadow in front of me or around. This can't be. I needed to think of an explanation. But my mind was failing me too. I felt as I was battling between sleep and maintaining my consciousness. Unfortunately, I lost it. I mean, who could win against chemicals. Our bodies and minds are so weak..

Who would have thought it would be this way. I've never considered I might be a victim, even though I was trying to be careful and never walked alone at night or at night in general. I tried sticking to roads with more people... usually. (As I have mentioned, I can't stand cigarette smoke and at every corner there would be a fucker spreading the poison. So sometimes I tend to take some other routes, a bit more..hidden.) Yet, this happened.

I could only expect the worst.

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