Scaredy Cat

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Once he put on his house shoes, he continued through the entrance hall and reached a staircase. It wasn't the same I went through.

I analysed his path and tried to memorize all the objects and rooms, yet I have very bad visual memory, I tend to remember things such as places and paths once I experience them multiple times. Moreover, he wasn't walking very fast, but with steady, medium speed steps, yet I wasn't able to fully grasp all the surroundings.

As I was trying to force my stressed out brain to analyse everything, I started to recognise the staircase which led to the so familiar corridor where "my" room was located. I was happy because this was somewhat familiar territory, but also disappointed - I thought I'd never come back here again.

As he was approaching the door, the 4th one from the staircase as I remembered, I realised how he opened the front door with me in his arms before: he had to shift my position in order to reach the handle so I had to take advantage of it.

Once I felt him starting to change my position, I tensed up, prepared for my escape, fists clenched and heart pounding fiercely.

To my dismay, he magically felt this in matter of seconds and said with a low voice, but with a hint of warning "Don't even think about it."
Startled, I didn't have time to react when he opened the door and closed it, before I was able to move a finger. "I am very heavy for god's sake! What is he, superman?"

We were indeed inside the same room I started my escape route. The starting point, which, I assume, would be from then on my cage. The same blue hue, the same furniture, the same doors.

He sat me down on the bed, grabbed my wrists preventing me from getting up and crouched down parallel to me so that he was looking directly into my eyes. His incredibly gorgeous blue diamonds were seemingly connected to my hazel brown beads, as he was trying to tie my mind to his, making me unable to look away or lie.

Now that he was so close, I could feel myself being unable to breathe, whether from fear, anger, anxiety, admiration for this out-of-this-world beauty or all combined. Maybe he planned all this.. like he did plastic surgery or hacked his genes so he could intimidate people, make them freeze under his intense stare rendered by his unreal eyes and handsomeness. And it was working. It was working way too well.

I could also feel his palms holding firmly, but...gently my wrists. I could feel on the thin skin the warmth of his palm and his hold. I thought the place he was touching was melting. " have. .warm ...hands.."

I was brought out of this dream state as he told me "You're going to take a shower now and when you're done, you'll join me for breakfast. A maid will bring you clothes to change into. ". I was lost in his eyes and I didn't know if he was able to tell that I was mesmerized. I didn't pay attention to his tone, yet I managed to understand the meaning behind his words and that woke me up. "What the hell was up with this moment of weakness? Wake the hell up, Emily!!"

His words, however, made me mad. I hate people telling me what to do. I mean I am obedient most of the times with my parents and teachers, but this? He doesn't have any right to tell me what to do.

My expression changed. I was about to open my mouth when he suddenly got up and interrupted my attempt to talk. " Wait here. She's going to come any minute." And with that he exited the room fast, closing the door. To my horror, I heard a faint *click* and I realised he locked me in here.

"No no NO this can't be happening" I rushed to the door and violently shook the handle. It didn't open like before. I was truly locked up. I was scared, but I guess he locked me up so I won't run.

I was pacing slowly through the room, analysing my situation.

"So what do I do now? Do I wait? I don't have much of an option. But what if I escape once the said maid comes? What if I take her as a prisoner? Maybe I could.." My inner monologue was interrupted by another *click* and the door being opened slowly.

Turning my head, I saw a person in the same maid uniform as Isabella. However, this girl was smaller than her, and me actually "Hmm..I could take her down for sure." She had dirty blonde hair and a petite build. She looked at me shyly with her turquoise blue eyes showing a somewhat scared and surprised look. She was holding some neatly folded clothes with her right hand against her stomach and the door handle with the left.

Once she made eye contact, she lowered her glare, entered the room, closed the door quickly and bowed slightly.
"M-miss Emily, I have brought you your clothes as Master William has requested."

Her words caught my attention. "William.." I tested the name in my head. This is the first time I'm hearing his name. Come to think of it, he hadn't even presented himself. But I hadn't asked either because he was my enemy, I had no interest in finding out his name for the sake of politeness. What I didn't realise until now is that I'll need his name for the police report.

What if it was supposed to be a secret? Maybe this maid blurted it out of habit?

"Miss Emily?" she asked unsure, seeing how I got lost in my thoughts and didn't offer her a reaction.

"Oh, yes. Thank you." I responded quickly, faking a polite smile. I could see she was nervous. Was she afraid of me?
But maybe I could get something out of her.
She nodded slightly and approached the bed to put the clothes on.

In the meantime I tried to continue the discussion "May I ask what is your name?"

"Uh.. Veronica, Miss." She responded after placing the clothes, again bowing slightly.

"Nice to meet you, Veronica. Thank you for bringing me the clothes. And there's no need for formalities, you can call me just Emily." I told her in a friendly tone. I guess I replaced my violent intention of attacking her with another option: befriending.

"Yes, Mis- I mean, Emily." she replied nervously. "Master told me that you are required to take a bath. Are you in need of anything? There are towels in the bathroom, as well as toothbrushes, toothpaste, hairbr-"

"Thank you, Veronica, but I won't be needing any of those." I interrupted her rudely. " I have no intention of bathing" I continued with an empathetic smile. I was baffled at her naivety and her eagerness to follow commands.

She looked at me, obviously surprised by my reply. "I..I am sorry, but Master William specifically said-"

I sighed. "I am well aware of what he said, Veronica. But I am not intending to live here or "get comfortable". I am going home. MY home. Plus, I don't trust your "Master William". I have no idea why he is insisting on me getting naked in that very room. I am NOT willing to take a bath and I will stand my ground till the end."

As I finished my dictatorial-like speech, I noticed the girl's shocked and scared stare. "So much for my befriending attempt."

My facial expression softened but to no avail. Veronica was a trembling mess. She backed towards the door, brought her hand towards the handle and turned it slowly, not taking her frightened eyes off me.

What was she, a rabbit for getting so scared over a simple monologue with a slightly raised tone? I wanted to reach out to stop her, but I didn't. "Guess I should leave her to calm down."

I simply watched as she quickly opened the door and exited in a short breath. I heard her hurried steps, but she forgot one thing in her hurry. She left the door cracked open.


Hey 👋. Thank you for taking your time to read this and I want to thank you again for the support on this little story.

For the people who are looking forward for the updates, I am deeply sorry I took such a long time. I've had some issues and couldn't find the time and the dedication. Fortunately, I managed to get in sync again and continue writing.

As always, please point out any mistakes, share your suggestions and opinions.
Thank you again and have a great day ☀️/good night 🌃! 😊


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