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We soon reached the dining room and he stopped. Turning around, I was looking at him cautiously. William chuckled, "Why are you looking at me like I am going to eat you? There's no need for that, we'll be having dinner in no time."

I processed his words and thought if it was a pun referring to me finally openly accusing him of being a cannibal, but decided to not entertain that idea. I simply smiled nervously "Yeah. Can't wait."

He opened the door and opened the door for me to get inside. "Ugh, I don't like when people open the door for me. I can't trust anyone with my back. Maybe I'm being dramatic, but not in this situation." I thought. But whispered a "Thank you" anyway and walked to my seat. Shortly he did the same and we didn't even have time to connect our eyes that the food was brought already.

First meal was a salad appetitive. It was a light vegetable salad, but it looked absolutely wonderful. This time I started eating on my own, finishing it in no time. Soon enough, the main course was brought.

The metal cover revealed a plate of steaming hot Chicken Spaghetti. After the aperitive, this was just what I needed.

I was eating slowly, when William inquired "How are you liking the food?" to which I wanted to respond mouthful, but refrained from doing so, thinking he is quite into manners and politeness. I gulped and then said politely "It is delicious." and then added "My compliments to the chef" with a confident smile. He smiled in return and nodded, proceeding to continue eating.

When we finished, we were asked if we would like any dessert by a blonde haired butler at whom I continued to stare an uncomfortable amount of time. His hair was stylised to perfection and I couldn't stop looking at his gorgeous appearance.

He seemed to not observe my insistent staring and continued to talk about possible dessert options. He then asked what would I like. I looked at William who was looking back at me with interest, his dreamy blue eyes charming me.
"Should I get some dessert? But what if I regret it? Uh, how can I even regret it? I don't know, but why is William staring at me like that? Is something wrong with the dessert? Will I-"

"Uhh, Miss?" the butler interrupted my panicked thoughts. I blinked, coming back to reality and looking at him. "Ah yes, my apologies. Yes, I would like some dessert please." and smiled nervously.

He nodded. "Chocolate fudge brownie and vanilla ice cream. Would that be alright?"
I gulped just from hearing that, the image of the delicious combination popping up in my brain. "Of course" I responded with excitement I was trying to conceal.

He nodded, bowed and exited the room.
I felt the need to look out the window to come back from this dreamy state.
Unfortunately, the curtains were covering the window, I assume, for the aesthetic look of a warm room.

So I just continued looking at the table, analysing the designs and patterns on the tablecloth and silverware.
Soon, William's voice broke the silence "Did you really think I am a cannibal?" he asked somewhat amused, but with a gentle stare.

I breathed in "This is a gorgeous palace with refined choice of paintings and decorations, obviously owned by a rich person. Usually such people have unusual qualities, including unusual..tendencies" I explained my thoughts clearly and then asked, unsure "But, are you though?"

He chuckled. "No, Emily. I assume you thought that because it was a reasonable explanation for you regarding what I would need from you by bringing you here."

I confirmed instantly. "Yeah, pretty much." and then continued "So that's not it then? Because I'll let you know I have very unhealthy organs." I said with confidence and in an amused tone.

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