His Smile

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“Geiyianne! Look at this!”

        My mind was pulled back to reality when I heard Paige screaming. I was still in the hospital and staring at Victor like hell. Now I realized that we were in a staring contest. Green to blue. I was still dumbfound who this guy in front of me, named Victor, really is. He was staring at me like he knows me for years but I only know his name like twenty minutes ago. I tried to recall who he was but while my mind drifts somewhere in my past, it the dead end is still the day when I woke up in the hospital.

        I looked everywhere in my room but there's only the three of us. My parents, Jamie and Queen Victoria mysteriously disappeared while I'm on my reverie.

        “What's up, Paige?” I ask her.

        She ran on the other side of my bed and sat. She was all giddy and ecstatic but I'm neither infected. She was jumping on her seat and I felt pitiful with the iPad she's holding and her butt that's clashing with the chair. I smiled too sweetly at her and I noticed that Victor is in one corner of my room, talking on the phone.

        Paige jumped one last time then calmed down. She's always like this when she is asked out by a boy whom she likes. Maybe she was asked out. She took a gulp of air then she showed me something on the iPad screen.

        I saw a page. An announcement.

        All of Pre-Medicine students of Beckham Fort University, preliminary examinations are cancelled due to the early release of Transcript of Records for the government.

        The cancellation will be replaced by hands-on training in St. Mary Hospital by next week.

        Wow. The exams I fear I won't take was cancelled. It was replaced though, but the written part was cancelled! Thanks to Divine Mercy! I turned to Victor and he smiled at me. He must know that the exams are over.

        “Gei, let's celebrate when your discharged!,” Paige's still jumping in her seat. Poor chair.

        “No, thanks, Pey. I still have to rest. Or else, I would blow another fuse in my gray matter.”

        Paige pouted at me. For crying out loud! Won't I get any rests after some ass kicking hell week of exams? I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out to my dearest friend. Victor approached us and sat on the other side of the bed.

        “I've heard the word,” he starts. “The training will start in two weeks. So the teachers will be up to make us memorize every method and terminologies they taught.”

        “Oh,” I sighed.

        “Yes. And you are Ms. Morgan, right?”

        I nod. “Y-yes. Why?”

        “Mr. Bronte told me you'll be my partner, since you were partnered with him.”

        So now, he'll be my Anatomy partner? Well at least I won't be working with a hidden maniac. I looked at Victor and gave him a little smile. Gratefully, he returned it. His smile reminds me of someone's smile. I stared at him for a minute. I know it's rude but his smile intrigued me. I looked away, still, his smile remained a mystery.

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