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”When the moon rises, you have to set the timer of the bomb. We have to kill her to end the Italian di Capodimonte. She will just bring an end to my plans in Italy.”

        I tried wriggling my hands out the rope that’s binding my hands together. I have to get out of here. Ricolino Guccino will kill me if I don’t get out of here but the knot of the rope is too tight and I can’t pull my hands out. I’m nervous. I’m about to greet my death in an hour.

        I sighed and tried pulling my hands out again. Then I heard the lady who kidnapped me and Ricolino talk again.

        “Alright, sir. I would.”

        “Hold the key here and I would leave now. I expect you’ll come right next to me after setting the bomb on.”

        “Yes, sir.”

        I stopped wriggling out of my cuffs when I heard the click of the heels of my capturer I waited for her and when she came I saw her face ashen. Why?

        “He already left.” She said. She stood there frozen. I could see that she is shaking. She went near me and she started removing the rope on my hands. Why?

        “What are you doing?”

        “Just shut up and leave.”

        I was still puzzled but I stood up and headed for the exit. I looked away and she shouted at me. I got scared and I just ran outside.

        I was already in the woods when I heard the sirens blaring. Safety just came. But... the bomb!

        I ran towards the house again but I heard explosion.

I jerked upward and I was breathing erratically. There was sweat on my forehead and my night gown was covered in sweat. That dream.

        Moments after, I felt my head pounding hard. Again?

        “Geiyianne? Nightmares again?”

       I don’t have the guts to nod instead I placed my two hands on my temple and clutch it hard. I think I could not stand the pain. Something was squeezing inside my head with a felt swelling in there. No! I feel myself slipping away and I suddenly became dizzy. Last I know was Victor screaming for help.


“What happened to my wife, doctor?”

        “Her brain activity was unusual and her brain swelled up again. We are going to observe her brain activity. And if it get worse, she might need an operation.”

        I heard sobbing and hushing around the background. Where am I?

        “Do anything you could to save her, please.”

        “Of course, Your Majesty.”

        What happened? I feel unconsciousness embracing me and the scene fades away as I slip away towards the welcoming unconsciousness.


“She’ll be better in no time, Victor.” Mom!


        “The doctor said that her brain activity was getting normal. There’s nothing to be afraid of, Victor.”

        “Geiyianne. When will she wake up?”

        “When she’s ready, my dear.”

        “It took long when she recovered from the accident.” He knows about the accident. Victor told me he was there

        “But there is no accident now, dearest.”

        “I don’t want to lose her again.” Victor’s voice cracks. He’s about to cry. No! I want to wake myself up but my eyes won’t move. There’s that fog again and it encloses me into another slumber.


“It’s been a week now, Grandmom.”

        Week? My eyes were still closed. Why won’t it open? And what’s more unusual was the pain isn’t killing me. Am I dreaming?

        “We know, Victor. She will soon wake up.”

       “I want to wake her up.”

        “Victor, she will wake up once she is-“

        “Ready. I know. You don’t have to rub it on my face again, Grandmother.”

        Queen Victoria laughed but it was just a soft laugh. “Oh, Victor. You have the guts to humour this situation.”

        “I want her to wake up. I want to tell her that I...”

        “You what?”

        “You know what I would tell her, Grandmom.”

        The fog welcomes me again.


“Gei. Wake up. Wake. Up.”

        I feel Victor holding my hand. I force myself to wake up. But I couldn’t. Wake up, Gei. The love of your life wants to see you awake. I have so many questions in mind but I couldn’t make myself wake up.

        “You know. I wanted to tell you something. I want to tell you that I have known you for so many years. You were someone special to me and you forgot me because of your situation. I wanted to tell you I have loved you for so long ago and you were my best friend since the beginning of our time. Gei, wake-“

        “Get down!”

        “Who are you?!” I heard commotion in the room. What’s happening?


        “Take me! Not her! Hey!” I hear Victor scream but it was fading. Then I heard silence.

        Moments after, I heard someone talk to my unconscious physical self. “Well, well. If it is the Princess Geiyianne di Capodimonte. Take her but don’t kill her.

        There’s that fog again that drifts me away. NO! NOT NOW!

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