Andersine and the Two Long Tables

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I’m getting dizzy with just the view of the food laid in front of me. We haven’t started tasting the food. Everything looks delicious. Everything smells good.

        Everything is Danish.

        All I know is the turkey, the roasted chicken, the soups and the desserts.

        There’s still a table being prepared. I’m sure its all Danish. Its okay. Since I’m going to be a Dane, I have to be accustomed to Danish food.

        Every staff and employee are busy preparing the food. Victor told us that their chefs here in the Complex prepares everything. I turn to Paige and Jamie. They are drooling all over. If you laid them food, they’ll tackle it for all they want. But I already warned them not to act somehow embarrassing. We’re in the Royal Palace.

        "Gei, why don't you get fat here?"

        "I don't get fat here. My food is regulated from breakfast to dinner."

        "The staff doesn’t want to get her fat for the wedding. It's kinda hard to fit her in the dress if she eats too excessively."

        “How rude, Victor.” I rolled my eyes at him and he chuckled.

        After that, he began looking around the hall. “Where is Andersine?”

        Andersine is a loyal Royal employee here. He’s already fifty-six and he’s still working for the royal famly. He is currently the Kitchen Manager here and he took the place of his father when he passed away.

        “Probably he’s still scurrying here.”

        “Ever the panicked man.” Victor geniunely smiled. I could see a King in Victor when he smiles like that. I think there are two sides of his smile, one his loving-caring-soft-gentle-Victor-smile. The other one is the caring-always-citizen-first-before-him-King-smile.

        I’m learning all of his shades on this little time frame we have together. That mysterious boy who stared at me in the cafeteria was the man I’m going to marry. I have no idea then that he’ll be wed to me.


        A little man came across us, his hair gray, his back is hunched slightly and he has this warm and gentle aura whenever he’s near. The man is Andersine, the trusted Kitchen Manager. He looks like a little of Albert Einstein. But his hair wasn’t that raggy as the genius' hair. And Andersine was a kitchen genius.

        “Your Royal Highnesses, I apologize for my tardy behavior. There was a rucus inside the kitchen and—”

        “Andersine, its okay. Everyday, the kitchen is in a rucus.”

        The old man chuckled. “Well, you know me so much, Victor.”

        “Yes, Andersine. You saw me grow up. And you also know me very much.”

        The old man smiled. He turned to me and I smiled at him warmly. He clapped his hands and rubbed them together.

        “We have to start the food tasting. I see that you are four. I have told them to prepare at least five kitchen ware to use for the dishes.”

        “Five is enough. Gei? Would you like to start?”

The food were great. I’ve tasted everything now on the first table. The other table was just done after I tasted the second to the last dish. I kept on whispering Victor what is this and that dish called. I don’t know anything. Victor was laughing at me and he stops when I hit him with my elbow.

        I’m really full. As much as possible, I keep the amount of food I eat as little as I can. One bite is enough. Since more than a hundred is laid in front of me. Paige and Jamie weren’t complaining on the food. Though they have the politeness, regality and self-control, they still loose it when they have the spoonful of food in their mouths.

        “Princess Geiyianne is from America so we prepared dishes that is from your country. Even Italian dishes are served.” Andersine explained.

        The staffs opened the lid of the dishes on the second table. All American dishes. Half the table are from Italy and half are American. Victor tugged my arm and we went to the table. Paige and Jamie were drooling all over. Well, this is food.


        “I am overwhelmed by this showcase.”

        “Well there’s macaroni. Ham and cheese. Its many, I can’t choose.”

        “Choose some formal feast. We don’t want to displease the aristocrats.” He whispered to my ears. “Well, power and money hungry aristocrats.”

        “Aren’t you an Aristocrat?”

        “I am not. I’m a royalty. Aristocrat is an understatement.”

        “Well, I’m sorry, Your Majesty.” I said with a playful tone.

        “Your Majesty?” He copied my tone. “Would you like to taste the food now?”

        “We could start. But just be reminded that I might need medcine after this.”

        He laughed. My heart failed me.

The Royal AgreementOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora