The Italian Rebellion

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"Geiyianne was reported safe and is still in coma said Agatha. Her Grandmother sent letters ensuring that your wife is perfectly fine. But she is still captive by the Ricos. I'm sure they would find a way to escape the massacre that would happen once Christiano and Geraldina declare war."


        "Italian rebellion to be exact."

        I wither on my bed and gave out a huge breath. This war is going to ruin Italy and I know for sure, Geiyianne will be left for nothing. If ever she have met her Grandmother, she must be shocked to know that she is a Princess of Italy all along. I never meant to tell her who really she is. It was up to her mother and father. I think it is best that they told her first and I am left is to justify. I sigh and turn to Margarithe.

        "I am very thankful that you are there to help me in times of grief. And I will be there to be aide of your needs. And the child in your custody will be a ward in the Complex. If ever you are in need of help, we will be there."

        "Oh, Victor, you needn't to."

        "Margarithe or should I call you Grandmother, too." I smile and I notice I warm to her.

        "You should, Victor!" Grandmother Victoria said. "She is my sister and she is legitimate. Call her: 'Grandmother.' It is right and just."

        I smile and my Grandmother gave me a file folder. "What is this for?" I notice Margarithe leaving but I dismissed that and gave my full attention to the folder.

        "This is the help and support that Christiano and Geraldina garnered from the past few years. This attack they will fire to the Ricos are much powerful. I volunteered troops for Italy and I advanced support for Italy. Geraldina gained control with their army again and they silently move one by one to their training corps. Now they move on full force. They are expected to attack on this second week. It's almost two months now."


        I am shocked on how the Italian will move and they are prepared for war. This will be a blood river. I detest blood lust but what's happening now is blood lust.

        "I know this is massacre but the Italian civilians are going to be evacuated. The Vatican will be neutral in the war asked the Pope and all. Victor, I do not ask for you to join this war but Geiyianne. She is in distress and she is still in coma..."

        "I will join this war as the Crown Prince of Denmark and as the future King of Denmark and King Consort of Italy."

        "Your situation..."

        I shook my head. "My situation will not make me a burden to this war that includes the safety of my wife."

        Grandmom sighed.

        "Anything for my wife, I will do, Grandmother."

        "I know, Victor. I am in awe with your bravery. But please think of your situation and how will you ever manage this?"

        "The war will be in two weeks and the doctors see light in my situation. I hope they would."

Geiyianne's Thoughts

When I opened my eyes three days ago, the medics who was with me told me I was now okay. The swelling in my brain stopped and this is a good sign that my brain would return to its normal activity.

        Grandmama, had been preparing for a war that would happen any day sooner. I did not expect this to happen but Italy has to be free, it is right and just. I learned that I am the rightful throne successor, the Crown Princess of Italy. All of what Ricolino told me was true. But I couldn't put myself to trust him.

        I am now in a conference with the secretaries and advisers from all over the country. Somehow, they managed to escape and evacuate here. We are now discussing the strategies for evacuation. Luckily, Grandmama guided me on the discussion and somehow, I managed to understand some. And fortunately, I helped the strategic plan.

        "They should be escorted in the troops and the Vatican buses will help us them in. The Pope has given aide and the Greek Troops are going to escort our citizens out of here. The battlefield is going to be in—"

        "Your Majesty! The Ricos are looking for us they killed their own soldiers and guards upstairs!"

        "Oh my goodness!" Grandmama stood up and turned the power on. The surveillance team installed hidden cameras on all of the surroundings in the Palace. All of the CCTV camera screens were on and it showed bloody massacre. I'm glad that it was in black and white and I shouldn't see the red bloody massacre Ricolino has done. I couldn't make myself look at it so I turned around and returned to my seat on the conference table. There, the secretaries and diplomats continued their discussion there.

        Later, I heard gunshots and I ran to the entrance. The guards ran to me and held me. We heard gunshots louder and I think they are approaching, are we now meeting our deaths? My heartbeats gone faster and the whole bunker silenced and we await our fate.

        Later, we heard silence from outside but nobody was brave enough to reach for the sealed door. Then an explosion was heard. I fell from the grasps of the guards and felt myself slipping away. I see scenarios and images while my eyes are shut close. I think I am asleep but why do I feel pain somehow? Why do I feel my brain pounding so hard and I think I will meet eternal slumber if it didn't stop? These images seemed real.

        I'm in a car with Mom and Dad they were smiling and I looked from the window and saw a snowy surrounding. The car opened and I slipped out. Victor... Victor? He was waiting for me. He took my hand and kissed it.

        I was in a dining room with Queen Victoria, Mom and Dad and Victor, we clinked our champagne glasses and said our cheers: "To our happy life together forever!"

       I am in the meadow laying on a blanket and looking at the beautiful clouds. Later, Victor's face appeared and he wiped something from my mouth. He kissed the side of my lips and I felt happy.

        Now, I was in a ballroom and I was dancing with Victor. After dancing, I went inside the Palace and there, my mouth and nose was covered and I felt blackness surround me.

Memories flooded in my brain, from my childhood until the last, the accident that happened to me. I can now fully remember who I am. I am Geiyianne Seraphine Rivardacci Morgan. But now, I am Geiyianne Seraphine Rivardacci di Capodimonte-Crisford.


        I opened my eyes and I thought I was just dreaming. Victor was leaning down on me and his eyes were red and fluffy. He was crying. I frowned and reached for his cheek and cupped it.

        "I remember you..." I mutter. And my lips were lifting up to a smile.

        His eyes widened and his sobs turned into a smile. But it faded in a sudden, why? "I'm very glad you remember me fully. But now we will have to take you to the medics."

        I felt the familiar pounding in my head and he rubbed my temple. His eyes widened more and he searched around. "Please! Help me now take her to the medics here!"


        The people around us, whom I didn't even notice, rushed back and forth. Victor carried me up and he rushed to the medics' area. He laid me on a stretcher and the medics were all around me. I was still looking at Victor and I saw his shirt bloody and his hands too.

        One doctor was wiping my forehead with cotton and one injected me something on my spinal part and made me numb in some moments after. The doctor who was wiping my forehead was throwing the cotton on a plate the nurse was holding. It was filled with blood. Slowly, I felt myself slipping away again. The doctors calmed down and my whole body began to slip away.

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