The Prince in Shining Armor

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“Red and white.”

        “Why does it have to be red and white?”

        “It is the Danish flag's colors, Geiyianne.”

        I write Red and White on my notepad. Me and my Mom were inside the Queen's study. We were talking about the motif of my upcoming wedding with Victor. I hate to do this, but I have to grant our grandmothers wishes. Victor was busy according to his schedule. I don’t know where I got my guts to say 'Yes' to this crazy arrangement.

        Today, I’m going to meet my personal designer. At the thought of it, ugh. I don’t like being worked for. And I’m going to start my Danish class. I didn’t have any trouble on that because my Mom speaks fluent Danish.

        I noticed some changes in my mother too. She’s been very formal. Not the happy Mom that’s always giddy and jolly. She’s acting like a Queen. And Dad too. Full of authority. His eyes are warm to me but when he’s talking to a Parliament member, I could see his authorative, all in control self. I think I don’t know him anymore.

        It has been a week since they announced our unwanted engagement. Victor and I are working on an Agreement, too. I still haven’t gone out the Palace with Victor. The Queen told me that I will be going out once they announce our engagement.

        Mom taught me our family tree. My dad isn’t pure American. He is half-Italian, half-American. Instead of using his father's name, di Capodimonte, he used his mother's name. He is Christiano di Capodimonte. Mom told me he loathes his ruthless father. Mom was from a family that lived for centuries in Italy. I noticed her sad expression while talking about her family. I wanted to know why but Mom keeps on changing the topic.

        “God Morgen, Deres Majestæt.” (Good Morning, Your Majesty.)

        I whipped my head backwards. It was Queen Victoria. Smiling like she won the lottery. I don’t hate her for putting me in this situation. Though I want to, I can’t.

        “God Morgen, Tatiana.”

        The maid curtsied and scuttled away. I stood up straightened my dress and Mom did too. But she stood there with more pride.

        “Boun Giorno, Geraldine.”

        “Ah, God Morgen, Victoria.”

        “Geiyianne?” Queen Victoria nodded at my direction. My eyebrows shot up and I smiled.

        “Uh… ah… gawd mur-jen?”

        Mom and Queen Victoria laughed at my greeting. I feel myself blush. I shouldn’t have used Danish.

        “I’m sorry.” I sat down and took my Danish dictionary and scanned through the pages to look for the right pronounciation.

        “It's gud mau-wen, Geiyianne.” Queen Victoria corrected my mistake.

        “Oh. Gud mau-wen?”

        “Yes. God Morgen.”

        “Hmm. Thank you, Your Majesty.

        “How are you and Victor coping up?”

        “We are surprisingly fine.”

        That's true. But we don’t really spend time together often.

        The Queen nodded. “He’s quite busy. He’s going to be King on his 23rd birthday. He has to start training now.”

        “I think he really has to, Your Majesty.”

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