Ch. 10 I can give you Caroline's number

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Thirty minutes later, Caroline walks down the stairs to the main room. Caroline blinks when she sees Jacob and Stefan quietly looking at each other. Caroline coughed a little, which causes the two men to look at her. 

" Caroline," Jacob smiles at Caroline. 

Stefan raised an eyebrow at Jacob. 

' First, the kid was carefully eyeing me, but once Caroline entered the room. Now the kid suddenly became a puppy, who is happy to see their owner.' Stefan amusedly tells himself. ' Interesting. It seems as though Caroline has gotten herself an admirer," Stefan internally chuckles.

" How's Bella?" Jacob softly asked Caroline while looking at her with a worried expression. 

" Bella is still resting. I dried her hair with a towel so that she wouldn't get sick. I then helped her changed into something more comfortable. I also noticed that her right ankle got swollen and bruised. I remember Uncle Charlie telling me that Bella could be a klutz, so I had a feeling that she tripped and fell during her time in the forest. I put a heating pad on her ankle so that the swollen could get smaller. But, I am going to tell Uncle Charlie to take Bella to the hospital in the morning. It is for the best that the doctors take a look at her injury to make sure that everything is okay," Caroline explains to Jacob and Stefan. 

Jacob nods his head as he frowns. 

" What exactly happened to Bella? Why was she in the forest?" Jacob asked Caroline. 

Caroline turns her head to look at Stefan. 

Caroline frowns when she sees Stefan wearing a neutral expression. Caroline had a feeling that whatever Bella said to Stefan in the forest, he did not like it. 

" Stefan," Caroline calls out to Stefan. 

Jacob turns to look at Stefan. 

Stefan turns to look at Caroline as he sadly sighs. 

" Bella told me that her ex-boyfriend left her in the forest after they had their talk," Stefan bitterly tells Caroline. 

Caroline frowns. 

" Uncle Charlie is not going to like this," Caroline worriedly mumbles. 

Jacob's eyes widened in surprise. 

Jacob remembered Bella telling him that she was going out with Edward Cullen. Jacob frowned since he also remembered Billy telling him that the Cullen Family are terrible news. Jacob's eyes narrowed, feeling furious that Edward would leave his childhood friend in the forest. 

" I can't believe Cullen would leave Bella in the woods," Jacob mumbles. " My old man was right. The Cullen Family are terrible news," Jacob sighed. 

Caroline turns her head to look at Jacob. 

" What do you mean?" Caroline worriedly asked Jacob. 

Jacob turns his head to look at Caroline. 

" It's an old legend from my tribe," Jacob tells Caroline. " My people, especially my old man, believes that the Cullen Family are descendants of a dangerous creature called th Cold Ones," Jacob tells Caroline.  

Caroline glanced at Stefan, who is curiously looking at Jacob from the corner of his eyes. Caroline looks back at Jacob with a worried expression. 

Jacob noticed Caroline's worried expression, and he frowns, thinking that the story scared her. 

" Don't worry, Caroline. It's only a story to scare kids like me to not wander through the woods at night," Jacob tries to reassure Caroline. 

" Are you saying that your people believe that the Cullen Family are descendants of vampires?" Stefan speaks up, which causes Jacob and Caroline to look at him. 

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