Chapter 14

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Slowly opening my eyes, I cringed at the brightness of the room. The memories of what happened flood my head. 

“Derek?” I sat up quickly in a panic when a sharp pain flared through my stomach, which made me look down and realize that I was shot. I looked around the room, slightly squinting. 

My head was pounding and my stomach was hurting immensely, but I needed to find Derek. He couldn’t be dead. I suddenly realized that I’m in the room Matthew set us up in. I’m in Matthews house. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and quickly walked out of the room as fast as I could with a gunshot wound in my stomach. I slowly made my way down the stairs and found Matthew In the living room, reading a book. 

He glanced up and looked at me, “Ah! You’re awake! I wasn’t sure if you were going to wake up soon.” He set the book down on the coffee table and stood up. 

I walked towards him, “Where’s Derek?” Panic set in and all I cared about was seeing him. 

Pity appeared in Matthews eyes, making tears form in my own, “No, he’s not dead.” I refused to believe it. 

“He’s not. But he’s in critical condition, April. There’s a very small chance he’s going to make it.” He rested his hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me. 

“No, I need to see him.” I brushed his hand off me. 

“He’s in surgery. They’re doing their best to save him.” 

“I don’t care. Take me to him. I need to see him... Please.” My voice broke but I had to stay strong. 

“Very well.” He sighed and started walking away but waved me along with him. I followed him all the way to the makeshift operating room, desperately trying to see Derek. 

We walked into what looked like half a bathroom with only a few sinks, soap, masks, scrubs, and paper towels. We did the whole routine with washing our hands, putting on scrubs, face masks, and gloves. When all was done, we walked into the operating area and there he was, laying in the middle of the room on the operating table with multiple doctors working on him. He was attached to so many machines. 

I walked over slowly but as fast as I could and held his limp hand. 

“I’m here, Derek. I won’t leave you.” I gave his hand a light squeeze and his heart monitor beeped slightly faster.

The doctors continued working for hours. Matthew stayed by side and talked to me about my surgery until he had to leave, but I stayed there so long that my legs were starting to hurt. A nurse soon came in and gave me a chair so I could sit and stay with him. Even though I was in so much pain I needed to stay there for Derek. He had to make it through this, we didn’t even get to start our lives together. 

9 hours later and they were finally finished. Thankfully, Derek remained stable throughout the surgery and if all went well would make a full recovery. 

Even after the surgery was done I stayed by his side for days until he woke up. 

It had been 4 days since the surgery and I was sitting by his side watching tv. 

A cough pulled my attention away from the tv and towards Derek who was now awake. 

“Derek!” I was overcome with joy, a beaming smile stretched across my face. 

He softly smiled, “Hey, beautiful.” His voice was hoarse from the days of not being used. He gripped my hand and held it tightly. 

A few stray tears that I was unable to hold back fell down the sides of my face. He frowned slightly, seeing my tears. He grabbed my upper arm and pulled me to hug him. I hugged him tightly as I cried into his shirt, but being careful not to hurt him. He just held me silently.

“I missed you so damn much.” I cried. My emotions have been all over the place for weeks. 

“I’ve got so much to tell you.” I pull back from the hug and wipe my face. 

“Well I’m all ears, baby.” He smiled and tried to sit up before he lightly groaned and laid back. 

“No, it can wait.” I smiled softly and leaned towards him and kissed him slowly and softly. I placed my hand on his cheek and held him closely. “I thought I lost you.” I said lowly when I broke away from the kiss. 

“You could never get rid of me. I’ll always be here, till death do us part.” I could see nothing but love in his eyes when he looked at me and I knew he was it for me. He was the one for me. It might not have been a great start but I’ve grown to love him more than I love myself. He was my world. 

“Till death do us part.”

As the days went by he got better and better. It’s been 2 months since he woke up and he was now fully healed and I knew I had to break the news sooner or later. 

Derek was laid out on one of the beach chairs that were outside by the pool and I was in the pool. 

I swam to the edge and rested my crossed arms on the ground. “Derek, I’ve got to tell you something.” He looked at me and got up before jumping into the pool. He swam over to me and pulled me away from the edge making me wrap my legs around his waist. 

“What is it?” He smiled and held my waist. 

“I’m pregnant.” I smiled widely. I had been waiting to break the news to him for months but I wasn’t sure if the pregnancy was going to stick or not. But now I was sure. 

“You’re pregnant?” Surprise was written all over his face but he seemed happy. Ecstatic even. 

I nodded my head. He suddenly whooped and kissed all over my face. He was beaming with joy. 

“We’re gonna have a baby!” He yelled and jumped, pumping his fists in the air. 

I unlatched my legs and let him go so I didn’t drown. 

I laughed as he splashed around in the water like a happy dog. 

When he was done screaming and yelling he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. “You’re not fucking with me, right?” He asked. 

“No, I’m not.” I laughed. He grabbed my face with both of his hands and kissed me hard. “My god, I love you!” He pulled away and exclaimed before he kissed me again, harder than the last time. 

“A baby.” He whispered against my lips. 

“We’re gonna be parents.” He laughed and hugged me close to his body. 

“Yes, we are.” I leaned into the hug and placed my head on his shoulder. We stayed there just holding each other for what seemed like hours. We were finally going to get our happy ever after. 

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