Chapter 15

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*6 Months later*

“Derek! Can you help me with my shoes!” I yelled from the living room. I was on the couch trying to pull my sneakers onto my swollen feet. 

He walked down the stairs wearing his suit and tie. The suit clung to his body perfectly. 

He sighed and kissed my cheek, “I thought I told you to wait for me.” He scolded. I huffed and gave up. He squatted at my feet and rubbed them gently before slipping my shoes on and tying them for me. When both were on he placed my feet on the ground and leaned forward with his hands on my knees. 

“Thank you!” I leaned forward as far as I could with the big baby bump that was attached to me and kissed him. I tried getting up by myself but I couldn't. 

“Come on.” He stood and held his hands out to help me up. I grabbed his hands and let him hoist me up. 

“I don’t like being pregnant.” I whined. This pregnancy made me a lot more pouty than I normally was. 

He slowly pulled me towards him. “I know, babe. But, imagine when we have our baby in our arms. It will all be worth it then.” He smiled and rested his hands on my hips. 

“It will, but until then i'm gonna complain all the time.” I chuckled and looked up at him. 

“I know you will.” He laughed and kissed me softly. 

“We’re gonna be late if we don’t go now.” I pulled myself away from him and waddled away. 

When we finally arrived at the doctor's office, we were taken into the back right away. 

“Good Afternoon, April! How are you feeling today?” My doctor, Ava asked as she closed the door behind her. 

“Great. Had a hard time putting on my shoes this morning but all has been well.” I was laid on the table next to the ultrasound machine. I pulled my shirt up to beneath my breasts like they always made me do. 

She sat in the chair and rolled over to me before putting the cold gel on my stomach. 

“Well, let’s see how this little peanut is doing today as well.” She pressed gently with the wand and moved it around until she found our baby. 

Derek was stood beside me, gripping my hand lightly. 

“There they are!” She said joyfully as she pointed at the screen. 

Looking at the baby on the screen my eyes teared up. I’d seen my baby a few times now but it never failed to bring tears to my eyes. I am really going to be a mother. It never fully set in until this moment. I was only a couple of days away from my due date and to say I was scared was an understatement. I was terrified. 

“Are you ready to know the gender or are you still waiting?” She asked with a smile as she moved the wand around softly.

I looked over to Derek with a questioning look. “Do you want to know?” He asked, gripping my hand softly. 

“Let’s wait. I want to be surprised.” I whispered to him. 

He nodded and turned towards the doctor, “We’re gonna wait.” He smiled and turned back to me. “I hope it’s a boy.” He always wanted a boy to spoil and play with but I wanted a girl.

“I hope it’s a girl.” We both smiled and couldn’t wait to see our little baby in a couple of days. 


After we left the office we were going straight home. I was exhausted. Being pregnant really takes a lot out of you. I just wanted to go home and sleep. 

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