Chapter 17

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Over the next couple of days, our life went smoothly. I was ecstatic when Derek started taking more time off work to spend with Beck. He had developed such an exceptional bond with him and I couldn't have been happier. I still haven't gotten a job yet. Even though Derek keeps telling me not to worry about it, I want to pitch in. He always tells me to focus on the baby but I liked working.

I love making my own money and not having to depend on anyone to make it for me.

Arms wrapped around my waist snapping me out of my daydream. "What are you thinking about?" He pulled me close to his chest and laid his head on my shoulder and looked at me while I cooked dinner.

"I want to work." I told him. His smile dropped for a second before it came back but not to his eyes.

"You don't need to work. I make plenty of money and soon, when we're married, it'll be yours too." He let go of my waist and jumped onto the counter and sat next to me.

I sighed and stirred the pasta, "But I want to. I know that you make enough but it's not my money. It's yours. No matter if we're married, you're the one who works for it." I defended.

He rolled his eyes and jumped off the counter before turning me to face him. "I'm not trying to control you, April. I just want to give you the best life I can. I want you to have everything you want. What's mine is yours." He placed his hands on my hips and pressed me against him.

I sighed, "Fine, you win." I wasn't really going to fight him, I kinda liked being a stay at home mom.

He smiled widely, "are you sure?"

I nodded and smiled reassuringly while pressing my body closer to his. Since giving birth, whenever he's near me, I want him. All day every day and when we get married, I'll have him forever.

He leaned down and quickly captured my lips with his. As it was getting heated the pan next to the pasta started sizzling.

I pulled away reluctantly, but I didn't want to burn down the house. I quickly lowered the heat to a 1. "We have about 20 minutes before I have to get back to this." I told him with a mischievous smirk.

He smirked and pulled me back to him before whispering,"I only need 15," and kissing me once again.


After our little rondeau, I went back to my cooking to find it still perfectly okay. I finished making dinner and set up the table before going to grab the baby from his nap.

He was such a quiet baby, and what a sleeper. Which was great for us. I had expected him to be crying all the time but he rarely did.  

After he was born I never wanted to put him down and even though it hasn't been that long, I've learned to put him down sometimes, but I still hold him during dinner.

I sat down with Beck in my arms and rocked him softly until Derek sat down. Beck had begun to be fussy and started crying. I assumed it was because of his diaper so I quickly excused him and I. I brought him upstairs to his room where I could change him.

When I walked into the room I knew something was off I just couldn't tell what. I scolded myself for being such a wuss and set Beck down on the changing table. I quickly unwrapped his diaper and put on a new one.

A footstep startled me, making me turn around quickly. I saw a man with a hood over his head and a lamp in his hand. Without missing a beat he swung the lamp and hit me in the side of my head. A muffled cry came out of my mouth as I fell to the floor. Writhing in pain, I hoped Derek had heard the smash and my cries. I watched in horror as the man grabbed Beck and cradled him in his arms.

I mustered up the loudest scream I could. Just before the man could run, Derek had ran into the room wide eyed as he assessed the situation.

The man quickly ran with Beck still in his arms, onto the balcony where Derek followed close behind before stopping when the man stood next to the railing with Beck hanging over it, screaming and crying.

I sobbed as I watched the nightmare unfold from where I laid on the ground. There was too much pain shooting through my head but somehow I managed to stand up and wobble towards Derek. I cried as the man held my baby off the balcony.

"Please. D-Dont do this." I pleaded. I tried to get my vision to focus but I couldn't I pushed through all the pain and tried to stay standing and alert but he hit me too hard. Before I could say anymore, my vision went black and I felt my body hit the ground.

Then I heard the most awful thing before my body gave into the darkness that wanted to take over.

"NO!" Derek screamed, and I heard Becks cries fade away. 

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