Chapter 16

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*A sweet chapter for hitting 1k. Thank you all so much for reading.*

I turned around and faced him, “Marry you? Are you kidding me?” I exclaimed in surprise. 

“I’m not kidding. I love you and we just had a son. I’ve been waiting for this. Why are you not happy?” He frowned, hurt in his eyes.

I sighed. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, “I am happy. I just don’t want you proposing because we almost died.” I spoke lowly and looked down at Beck, then back to him. “But if it’s for the right reasons..” I sighed and replaced my frown with a smile, “then yes, I will marry you.” 

His frown was quickly by a beaming smile and he grabbed my face in both of his hands, even the one with the cast and brought my lips to his. I kissed him back passionately. 

We were going to be husband and wife. 

He slowly pulled away from the kiss and smiled. “You don’t know how happy you’ve made me, April.” His grabbed one of my hands that wasn’t holding Beck, and kissed it. 

“April James. Has quite a nice ring to it.” He chuckled. I laughed and kissed his cheek.

“Talking about rings…” I dragged out. I really didn’t need a ring but I wanted everyone to know I was his and he was mine. 

He laughed and looked at me with a shine in his eyes, “you’ll get one once we all get discharged. There’s a special one at the house.” 

I smiled and looked back down at Beck. He was very quiet and so tiny. He looked so fragile. His light brown hair was in a swirl on the crown of his head and his blue eyes were closed with his hand in a fist next to his chubby face. Just looking at him for a second I fell in love. 

It’s true that you never know a mother's love until you experience it. From the day I found out that I was pregnant, I loved him more than anything or anyone I’ve ever loved. 

“He looks just like us.” Derek said, breaking my thoughts. 

“He does. He has your eyes, my hair, my nose, and your lips.” I pointed out each feature. He was definitely a beautiful baby and he was mine.


After a couple days of checkups and tests, they finally released us. 

I was terrified of being in the car again with a newborn but we needed to get home. My anxiety was put at ease when we finally pulled up to the house. 

“Geez, feels so good to be home.” Derek spoke as he parked the car. 

“I know. And to have Beck home with us.” I was sitting in the back seat watching him sleep in his car seat. His chubby cheeks and the tip of his nose was tinted pink and his nose twitched a little, every time he took a breath. 

Derek got out of the car and opened the back door and began to unbuckle the car seat gently, to avoid waking him. “I can’t wait to see him grow up here.” He whispered to me. I climbed out of the car and walked around the back of it to where Derek was standing with the car seat in his hand. 

I took the seat from him and began carrying the baby up to the door as I held Derek’s hand. He dug into his pocket and pulled out his keys before unlocking the door and walking into the house. I was so happy to be home. I’ve always hated hospitals and being in there for so long was a nightmare even though the nurses took good care of me. 

“Welcome home, Beck.” I whispered as I walked through the door. 


A couple days later, I sat out by the pool, on the covered patio with Beck lying peacefully in my arms while Derek was swimming. 

It was a beautiful day out and the temperature was just right, where it was hot but not too hot that you just wanted to rip your skin off. 

Beck was such a silent baby, and slept through most nights peacefully. I barely had to get up in the middle of the night unless he was hungry or his diaper needed to be changed but Derek and I would take shifts. 

He was such a great father and watching him with Beck just made my heart melt.

Derek got out of the pool and jogged over to us to grab a towel. The water dropped from him and I saw it all in slow motion. The swim shorts he was wearing clung to his body, and were sitting low on his hips, revealing his perfect V line and his abs. 

Since I’ve been pregnant and now have a newborn, we haven’t had time for our… pleasures. I licked my lips without a thought and snapped out of my fantasy by his laugh. 

My cheeks turned bright red. It’s not fun being caught. Even when the person you’re drooling over is going to be your husband. I cleared my throat and asked, “What?” In my most innocent voice that I could muster up. 

He grabbed his towel and dabbed the water off his body, “You’re drooling.” He pointed out. 

“I am not.” I defended. Even though I really was. 


He knew he caught me and he knew I couldn’t hide it. 

“Tell that to your bright red cheeks.” He walked over to me and pressed a soft kiss to my lips before pulling away too quick for my liking. Then pressed a gentle kiss to Becks forehead. He stepped back a few steps and dried himself off more than he did the first time before throwing himself down into the chair to the right of me. 

“So, have you started planning the wedding?” He asked. He’s mostly been looking for a better job since we got home and isn’t home until late at night. I know he’s still working with the gang but he’s trying to get out of it. Especially since I got pregnant. 

“I have. I have to go look at some venues this Saturday. Will you be coming with?” I didn’t want to plan this wedding alone, after all it was both of our wedding. 

“I have to see what the boss planned for me this weekend but I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to make it.” He grabbed his sunglasses from the table and put them on before turning to me with a wicked smile. 

“I can’t wait until you’re my wife.” He reached over and grabbed my hand before kissing it. 

I smiled at his sweet words, “I can’t wait either.” His eyes shone with love as he looked at me and I could only imagine that’s what I look like when I look at him. 

He placed his hands on my cheeks and leaned closer, “I’m so in love with you. I'm never letting you go.” With that he kissed me like he was scared of losing me. I don’t think I’d ever get tired of him. Actually I know I’ll never get tired of him. We might’ve met in the weirdest way but it was fate. I don’t care about who he was before me, all that I care about is who he is with me and our son. 

When he pulled away, I smiled and placed my hand over his. “I’m so glad you kidnapped me. Otherwise we would’ve never met.” 

He laughed loudly and smiled wide. “Never say that in public.” He chuckled. 

I was so happy and content just like this, but of course things always have to go wrong.

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