6. Mother?

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Thethia: Aster Palace

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Thethia: Aster Palace


Following behind her father, Elizabeth arrived in front of Mother's bedchamber and her attendant, Marie bowed to greet them, "Your Majesty, Your Highness." 

"Leave us alone," Father said, dismissing Marie.

Elizabeth looked towards Mother, her face was impassive but serene. Most of the time, she would stare emptily at somewhere and speak almost minimally.

Today, Mother sat upright in her bed, her gaze was fixed low and thick lashes shielded her eyes. Her soft brown hair stretched along the length of her back with its ends splayed on the pillows behind her like calm waves cascading down into the pale white sheets of her bed. Mother's beauty never failed to awe Elizabeth. Father always described her to be uncommon and ethereal, especially with the pair of beguiling amber eyes which shone brighter than jewels. That was a pair of eyes that belonged uniquely to Mother and no one else would have that, even Elizabeth herself.

Her small arms extended towards Mother, placing them close but never touching her. Since she understood things, she realised that their relationship was built on glass, fragile and brittle. All it would take is a single careless move on her end and everything would shatter into nothingness.

She would do nothing to compromise that. Hopefully, her deliberate attempts would bring her closer to Mother each time. There was only one out of the many visits that Mother had addressed her by her name. It may take a long time before her already frozen heart would warm up to her, but until then, she would wait.

She would be patient.

Because she had hope that things could change between them. 

King of Thethia, Wynston


Wynston had heard from the royal doctors that her condition had been deteriorating and her state was becoming more unstable with each passing moments. Nadia had closed herself up entirely becoming cautious and unforgiving, especially towards Elizabeth. She refused to hold this child and rejected her touch. Even when she had stayed as such all these while, it would be a lie to say that he had grown used to it. There was no way he could get used to seeing his wife losing herself, after all, he had loved her too much.

But other than being a reasonable spouse to her, he had the responsibility of the entire Thethia weighing on his shoulders and he would choose Thethia over her. 

"Nadia, I have brought Eli here," Wynston attempted once again. This time, she responded. It was as though the word had a magic to it because she would remain nonchalant to everything else except for that name.

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